Chapter 3 - Part 2

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"She's already lost to the weight of her ideals. Holding onto her will only drag you down with her." the last word he heard from Sean echoed in Nikko's mind as he paced the dimly lit room in Crescent Moon Church, anxiously glancing at the shadows that danced along the walls.

"What if he's right?" Nikko murmured, running a hand through his hair. The walls seemed to close in around him, stifling his breath.

He clenched his fists. Myra's teachings cascaded through his thoughts, reminding him of the countless lessons imparted under the flickering candlelight of Crescent Moon Church.


Startled, he turned to see Sunny framed in the doorway, her presence a stark contrast to the oppressive darkness.

"Can you join me at Daylight Garden?" Sunny's voice cut through the tension, gentle yet firm.

"Sure," Nikko replied, forcing a smile as he stepped toward her. "Remember when we used to sneak out there to practice our moves?" He said as they headed towards the garden.

Sunny's eyes brightened, sparks of nostalgia flickering in their depths. "How could I forget? You thought you were invincible until I landed that perfect kick on you."

"Hey, that was a lucky shot! I was just getting warmed up," he chuckled, the memory easing some of the tension in his heart.

Sunny stepped closer, her brow furrowed. "Nikko, are you really alright? You've been different since the attack."

Nikko shrugged, avoiding her gaze. "Just thinking about strategies, you know? We have a lot to prepare for."

" "Strategies?" Sunny raised an eyebrow. "Or is it something else? You can talk to me, you know that."

Nikko hesitated, the weight of Sean's proposition pressing against his chest like a stone. "I—"

"C'mon," Sunny interrupted, crossing her arms. "You're treating me like a stranger. We're closer than that."

He exhaled sharply, debating whether to unmask the turmoil swirling inside him.

"Do you think we're that close?"

Sunny's sharp intake of breath surprised him. "What do you mean? We grew up together. You taught me everything I know about fighting."

Nikko rubbed the back of his neck, shifting uncomfortably. "I thought we were family too. But things change, Sunny. Sometimes it feels like we're on different paths."

"Different paths? How? Sunny's voice trembled slightly, her emotions weaving through her beautifully guarded demeanor.

Nikko took a step closer, eyes narrowing as he searched her face for understanding. "I'm starting to question everything. What if... what if the Weavers aren't strong enough? What if clinging to Myra's ideals only leads us to more losses?"

Sunny's gaze darkened, her attitude shifting as the pride she held for their organization simmered at the edges of frustration. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," he began, words tumbling out unfiltered, "that maybe Myra's way isn't the only way. Sean has a vision — one that could make us stronger than ever ." Nikko's voice sharpened, veering toward defiance.

Sunny's brows knitted together in disbelief. "You want to follow Sean? You know that their methods are ruthless."

"Nikko, have you lost sight of who he is?" Sunny pressed, her voice rising with an urgency that echoed in the quiet garden. "He is the leader of The Fallen, and his hands are stained with blood, they sacrifice innocent lives for power."

"I have decided Sunny, I am leaving The Weavers, they are only holding me back."


"I will obtain a great power once I join The Fallen and I will use it to protect you!" Nikko said as he held Sunny's shoulders. "I will come back and become a new leader in The Weavers and shift the organization into something formidable." His determination mingled with desperation, eyes gleaming with fervor.

Sunny pulled back, shaking her head slowly as if trying to reject the very notion he had proposed "Don't you see? That power will consume you, Nikko!" Her voice trembled but remained firm. "You can't trade who you are for some fleeting ambition. The methods of The Fallen—" She inhaled sharply, as though conjuring the very image of the organization and its darkness. "They will only lead you to ruin, Nikko. I can't lose you to the madness they embrace."

Nikko stepped back, frustration flashing through him. "Lose me? Maybe it's not about losing anyone. Maybe it's about taking control of my destiny, forging my path instead of following someone else's shadow." His voice rose as he faced Sunny, wrestling with a whirlwind of emotions. "I need to get rid of my shackles and be who I'm meant to be," he asserted, fists clenching tighter.

Sunny's face paled at his words, disbelief etched into her features.

"Your destiny?" she echoed, stepping back as if his intentions physically repelled her.

"Yes, my destiny!" Nikko snapped, the words exploding from him like a wounded animal. "Goodbye, Sunny. I'll return stronger. I have to."

Sunny stood frozen, a storm of emotions swirling behind her eyes. She opened her mouth as if to counter his resolve, but the words faltered in the tension hanging between them, a delicate bead on the edge of snapping. Nikko turned his back on her, fists trembling at his sides, feeling the gravity of his decision weigh like a tether around his heart.

"Wait!" Sunny's voice pierced the air, halting him mid-step. Nikko paused, breath hitching in his throat. Turning slowly, he caught the pain etched across her features, a mirrored reflection of his internal struggle. And his decision was final, he continued walking away from her, the sunlight spilling over the garden's blossoms now seemed like a taunt.

"Don't do this!" Sunny's voice trembled, cutting through the air heavy with unspoken words.

However, Nikko is now out of sight. Sunny's heart sank as Nikko's form receded into distant shadows, leaving echoes of his defiance hanging in the air. She clenched her fists, resisting the urge to chase after him, her heart pounding with turmoil.

"Why can't he see?" she whispered to herself, glancing at the meticulously tended flowers swaying in the soft breeze, their colors vibrant yet ironically echoing the shattering sadness nestled deep within her. Each flower stood proud, but underneath their beauty lay an unyielding struggle for survival. She turned away from the garden, seeking solace in the cool shadows of Crescent Moon Church. Each step away from the garden felt heavy, the air thick with unvoiced pleas and regrets. As she pushed through the narrow stone archways, the flickering lights illuminated the intricate carvings on the walls, casting long shadows that danced in time with her heartbeat. Sunny pressed her palm against the cool stone, grounding herself in the familiar sensations even as anxiety gnawed at her insides.

Nikko's chosen path drummed a relentless rhythm in her mind, pulling her thoughts down into a whirlwind of doubt. "What if he truly believes he's doing what's best for him? What if I can't bring him back?"

"Myra would never have let this happen," Sunny muttered under her breath, her frustration mounting as she paced the dim corridor. "I need to tell Myra about this," Sunny murmured to herself, her resolve hardening even as she navigated the shadows of the church. "But I don't know what to say to her." The echoes of her footsteps faded into the silence of the Crescent Moon Church, where whispers of long-gone conversations lingered in the air. Sunny pressed her back against the cold stone wall, closing her eyes for a brief moment, grounding herself in the familiar scents of aged wood and burning candles.

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