Chapter 8 - Part 2

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In the waning light of the day, Victoria and John found solace in the empty park behind Cedar Grove Academy. The air hummed with subtle energy, an unspoken promise that something extraordinary awaited them." Are you really going to try it?" John leaned against a gnarled oak, skepticism etched into his features.

Victoria shrugged, determination flickering in her eyes. "We have to know what we're capable of, John. We felt something last time, didn't we?"

John crossed his arms, a small frown forming as he pushed off the tree. "Yeah, but what if we mess up? What if this is just a fluke?"

Victoria stepped closer, her excitement outweighing his caution. "What if it's not? We have to find out. If we can harness this, we might actually be able to help people."

John rubbed the back of his neck, still apprehensive. "Alright, but let's not draw attention."

"We'll stay out of sight," Victoria promised, her enthusiasm infectious. "Just here, in the shadows of the trees. Nobody has to know."

As she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, she focused on the sensations stirring within her. The summer breeze rustled the leaves, and she felt as if the world was holding its breath with her.

"Okay, let's try this," said Victoria, her voice barely above a whisper. "Close your eyes. Think about that feeling we had, right before everything changed."

John hesitated but complied, shutting his eyes while the warm afternoon sun bathed his face. He focused on that fleeting feeling from earlier, the push and pull of unspent energy within him. The world around him faded, and he felt the weight of his hesitation slip away.

"Imagine it like a wave. It builds and builds..." Victoria's voice drew him deeper into focus.

"Okay, I can feel it," John replied, though uncertainty still lingered beneath his resolve. A faint crackle echoed around them, an electric sensation in the air that raised the hair on his arms.

"Good! Now, push it out. Let it flow. Just like we discussed." Victoria's voice crackled with excitement, urging him on.

John visualized the energy as a tide, rising and falling, building momentum. He pressed his palms together and slowly pulled them apart, concentrating. The air thickened around him, shimmered, and a flicker of light danced between his fingertips.

"John, look!" Victoria gasped, her eyes widening in astonishment as she pointed toward the sphere of brilliance forming in the air between his hands.

"What—" John's shock interrupted his concentration, and the sphere sputtered, dimming into nothing. "Focus! Don't let surprise take over!" Victoria urged as she steadied herself, unwilling to lose this moment. "We can do this. Just try again."

His heartbeat hammered in his chest, a mixture of fear and exhilaration swirling inside him. "Alright, one more time."

As Victoria nodded encouragingly, John placed his hands back together. This time, he concentrated, drawing on that elusive spark within. He envisioned it clearly, a growing flame of energy that pulsed with rhythm beneath his skin.

"Feel it?" Victoria whispered, her gaze steady on him, her eyes fixed on the space between his hands.

"Yeah, it's growing," John said, a hint of awe creeping into his voice. The energy sparked and swirled, responding to his focus as if it had a will of its own.

"Now, release it!" Victoria shouted, her excitement wrapping around them like a warm blanket. "Let it explode!"

With a swift motion, John thrust his hands outward, visualizing the energy bursting free. A luminous wave surged from his fingertips, cascading into the space before them.

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