⌗ !! ꒰ Who tf behind my door cuhh ꒱ 😭

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Dis blue jolly rancher was hippity-hoppity on the stage, performing for a large amount of stinky winky oders. Her voice went hoarse multiple times throughout the show. Luckily, the McDonald's cutecore ahh loojing pink girl and Tsukasa's bf with pronouns stole the spotlight. Her poor taataas were jiggling so much she felt milked. 😭🔫

"Ughh!!" The robot moaned. "About damn time this shii over with!11!"

"Gee, you don't seem too happy." Tsukasa deadpanned. "Something wrong, Miku?"

"Been doing this shii since 2007," Miku whined. "It's 2024. I think I should retire."

"Ah, c'mon!" Tsukasa finally showed emotion to his feelings, "Don't be like that! You're only 16, pal!"

"Tsukasa," Miku glared at him. "I've been 16 since the day I died. I've seen everything. I should browse some philosophy at this point :<"

"Woah, what da fuck?" Emu interrupted the conversation, "I hear about philosophy? Who the hell would step down as a singer for dat boring ahh shit? :0"

 "Me." Miku aggressively blinked.

"Oh!" Emu gasped. "Uhm. Well, if that makes you happy.."

 "I'm only thinking about it." Miku commented.

Emu brightened up, "Yay >_<!!!" She squirmed and jumped up and down on repeat.

Rui complained while making his way toward the group, "I'm gonna have a stroke- MIKU!! TELL LEN THAT HES 14!!!"

 Miku face-plamed, "Ion do ts no mo. I'm leaving."

 "Okay!" Tsukasa replied, "Rest well!"

"Mhm," Miku effortlessly responded. She added, "Tell Mafuyu I'm cuffed, by the way."

"Ehhh, by who?" Tsukasa asked.

"I don't know right now, just say for now sb else is clapping me." Miku ordered.

Emu's jaw hit the ground, "Y'all were minors."

"Womp womp, I'm telling Mafuyu anyway." Tsukasa trenched off.

"Ight," Rui sighed, making his exit. "I'm gna go touch a diddy."

"Oooh!" Emu gets excited, "What's a diddy?! I wanna grab one!"

"Join the fun, then...heh...." Rui chortled. Emu hops on his back. The two leave.

Miku brushes off the concern and dramatically walks home through the zesty woods.

Miku unlocks the door to her house. She slams the door tight. Her big back immediately resorts to the refrigerator. She saw a sticky note on the fridge. It read,

"I won't be home for a few days. I got invited VIP passes to 6arleyhuman's concert.

-your favorite twin, Mikou!!!"

"Lucky duck." Miku groaned, tearing the note apart. She snatched a bento box and gobbled up everything innit.

Her fatass plopped her boots on the couch, flipping on lesbian porn. Suddenly, she gets boreddddddd.

"God dammit, what do I do with myself?" She fumed, completely forgetting about the whole philosophy thing. 

A loud bang barged against the wooden front door. The robot ignored it for a second, but her eyes popped out of its sockets, assuming the best. Miku springs out of exhilaration. She shouted, "Mom, Dad!! You're back?!"

No answer.

"Augh!" Miku cried. "Fuck off, then!"

"HEY!!" A monotonous, but slightly high voice yelped. "You wouldn't say that to a pure and innocent cat, would ya?"

Miku answered, "it just depen- wait a fucking minute Who da fuck at my door, cuhh!" She dashed toward the living room and unsealed the door. There she saw a slender pile of furballs..I mean, a cat! Totally...

"I am the Cat in the Hat!" The gay ass furry greeted.

"Oh wow really? I didn't notice!" Miku sarcastically joyed. 

"You must not know why I'm here do you?" Cat frowned.

"Are you here for an autograph?" Miku replied.

Cat sighed, "No, try again?"

"You wanna touch me, big bro?" Miku said.

"WAHT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Cat screamed, his tail and ears springing up in fear. He corrected, "I'm here to cure your bordem!!!"

"Oh!" Miku felt retarded. "Wellz what do you wanna do?"

"I was thinking maybe- MOTHER OF PEARL!" Cat got scared, staring at the television. He saw a girl shoving a whole monster can up the other's vagina. He yelled, "YOU DIRTY HOE!!! YOU WEIRD BIHH!!"

"AH, SHIT!" Miku squealed, harshly taking the hatchet from the family closet and directly threw it at the TV. Fog formed everywhere. Fire lit through the walls.

"OH YEAH!!!" Cat jumped in glee. "This is my kind of fun!!!"

"We are not demolishing the whole house, Cat." Miku demanded.

"Fine." Cat sighed. "Get in my car, little girl."

"No questions asked." Miku left the house. "There better be candy."

"I have a metal pole you can dance on, does that count?"


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