16. I'm not a bad girl but I do bad things with you

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1989's POV

Well, it didn't end with one glass. We drank the whole bottle and more.  TTPD drunkenly laughed as I tried to get up from the floor. 

"Fuck" I said as I felt my head throb. I was very susceptible to alcohol and it was literally not hard for me to get drunk.

"Don't swear, it's so bad" TTPD lectured me with a serious face and I don't know why but I burst out laughing.

"Sorry" I stuttered as I walked towards the dance floor, dragging TTPD behind me.

"I don't dance, I definitely don't dance" she babbled and continued laughing.

"Come on" I started moving my hips to the rhythm of the music. TTPD pursed her lips looking at me and after a moment started dancing herself.

We had a great time laughing along the way. TTPD totally relaxed and I was happy that she was having fun. After a few songs Red joined us.

"Where is your new boyfriend?" I shouted over the music and Red rolled her eyes.

"Fucking idiot like all guys!" she replied angrily and then smiled.

"So why is your lipstick smudged?" TTPD noticed pointing at Red's mouth. Even in the dim light we could see that she blushed.

"Evermore" Red said after a moment almost inaudibly.

"What?!" Me and TTPD said at the same time looking at each other shocked.

"It's a secret!" she indicated by putting her finger on her lips. I rolled my eyes and repeated her gesture to show that I wouldn't tell anyone. "And where is your girlfriend?" I bit my lip daydreaming.

"Go find her" Red chased me away and I didn't even have time to protest because she and the TTPD started laughing and wave to me.

In a burst of courage I started looking around for the tall blonde. "My girlfriend" I laughed to myself. It seemed impossible to find anyone in this crowd.

"Hey! Have you seen Midnights?!" I asked Inez who was gossiping on the patio with her friends. Inez was always coming to parties, she knew practically everything about everyone, after all, she and her friends ran the unofficial school gossip site.

"Yes, but first, pose for best party outfits!" she said, getting up and taking a picture of me with her digital camera. "Perfect! Thank you"

"You're welcome, can you tell me where she went?" I asked, slightly irritated. Inez smiled ambiguously and exchanged a look with her friends.

"She went back inside" she replied, to which I thanked her.

I finally found Midnights at a pool table in what looked like an office of some sort, although there were quite a few people there.

She was wearing a tight black skirt, sparkling high heeled shoes and a black corset bra trimmed with lace. Oh my lord.

"Hi Nine" Mid said as soon as she turned to me. You could tell she was drunk, but she still looked great. "You know, some idiot spilled red wine on me?! He ruined my favorite top" she said annoyed before I could even asked.

"You still look pretty" I stated and she shook her head, smiling flirtatiously.

"Really? How pretty?" Midnights said coming up to me. Oh my god, heaven can't help me now.

I didn't answer or do anything either because we were in a room full of people. Midnights was stealing the eyes of almost everyone anyway, I didn't want to attract any more attention.

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