CH 16: The Fairgrounds of Arcanum Isle

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When the first day of the Tournament of Fun arrived, the school grounds had been transformed into a lively fairground. Colorful banners fluttered in the wind, and stalls were set up for each of the contests. The atmosphere was festive and light, with music playing from enchanted instruments, laughter ringing through the air, and students buzzing with excitement.

Harry, Cyrus, and Selene wandered through the grounds, taking in the sights and sounds. The tournament was in full swing, and each event drew its own crowd of spectators and participants.

The first event they attended was the Eating Contest, held under a large striped tent. Tables were laden with plates of magical treats—pies that steamed with enchantment, biscuits that crackled with tiny sparks, and candies that changed colors and flavors with each bite. The challenge was simple: eat as much as you could in a limited amount of time.

"Are you going to join, Cyrus?" Selene asked with a smirk. "I know you have a bottomless pit for a stomach."

Cyrus grinned. "Oh, I'm definitely in. How often do you get a chance to stuff your face with magical food and not get scolded for it?"

Harry laughed. "Go for it, mate. I'll cheer you on from the sidelines."

The contest began with a burst of energy as the competitors, including Cyrus, dug into the food with gusto. Laughter and cheers filled the tent as the students tried to keep up with the pace, some of them floating off their seats due to the effects of the treats. At one point, Cyrus turned bright blue after biting into a color-changing candy, which drew even more laughter from the crowd.

In the end, Cyrus finished third, his face flushed but his smile wide. "I think I've had enough for a week," he said, patting his stomach as he rejoined Harry and Selene.

The next event was the Magic Show Competition, where students had the opportunity to showcase their creativity and spellcasting prowess. The show was held in an open-air arena, and the acts varied wildly—from elaborate illusions that transformed the entire stage to humorous enchantments that made objects dance and sing.

One student, a fifth-year named Mirabella, performed an impressive illusion where she conjured a miniature dragon made of shimmering blue fire. It soared around the stage, leaving trails of light behind it, before bursting into a thousand sparkling stars. The crowd erupted in applause.

"That was amazing," Harry said, genuinely impressed. "I didn't know she was that good."

Selene nodded. "It's great to see everyone showing off what they're passionate about."

As the performances continued, Harry enjoyed watching his classmates demonstrate talents that went beyond their usual coursework. The judges—three professors known for their love of creativity and flair—scored each performance not just on technical skill, but also on entertainment value. It was a lighthearted, yet competitive event, with plenty of laughter and awe.

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