22 Creatures

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Magical Creatures:

Golorse (Celestial Tide Guardian)

A majestic creature with the body of a horse, the features of a dragon, and the aquatic essence of a hippocampus. Golorses are guardians of coastal and aquatic realms, known for their graceful movement on both land and water. They possess abilities like Tidal Charge, Aquatic Roar, and Hydrokinesis. Harry finds peace and reflection while caring for Nyx, a Golorse with deep midnight-blue scales, at the stables.

Enchanted Dummies

Used in the Defense Against the Dark Arts practical exams, these dummies are magically animated to simulate real combat scenarios. They can attack with various spells, forcing students to defend, counterattack, and strategize in high-pressure situations.

Various Magical Creatures in the Arena

During the physical exams, the arena is filled with different magical creatures and obstacles that challenge the students. These creatures vary in type and danger, testing the students' combat skills, endurance, and ability to think on their feet. The exact creatures aren't specified but likely include familiar creatures like Acromantulas, Manticores, and possibly Gryphons or Hippogriffs.

Spectral Figures

Appearing during the Advanced Necromancy classes and exams, these are ghostly apparitions or summoned spirits that students learn to control, bind, or ward off. They represent both the danger and complexity of necromantic practices.

Magical Creatures at the Petting Zoo

During the Tournament of Fun, there is a magical creature petting zoo featuring various docile creatures of Darfea. While specific creatures aren't named, they likely include lesser-known creatures like Mooncalves, Nifflers, Pygmy Puffs, and potentially unique Darfea creatures.

Illusionary Dragon

During the Magic Show Competition, a student named Mirabella creates a captivating illusion of a dragon made of blue fire. Though not a real creature, it's a magical representation that captures the audience's awe and adds to the spectacle of the tournament.Additional Possible Creatures (Implied or Mentioned in Context):


The aquatic part of the Golorse is inspired by these mythical creatures, suggesting the presence or influence of Hippocampi in the coastal regions of Darfea.


Given the darker themes and the lessons on death and necromancy, Thestrals—creatures that can only be seen by those who have witnessed death—might be present or referenced in lessons about the ethics of magic involving death.

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