CH 8: Settling into the Routine

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The next morning, Harry woke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains of his dorm room. He stretched, feeling well-rested and ready to start the new school year. Talon, ever diligent, had already prepared his clothes for the day—a crisp set of robes neatly laid out, complete with his Umbra house crest embroidered on the front. After dressing, Harry took a moment to glance out the window. The grounds of Arcanum Isle were still bathed in the soft morning light, with the trees casting long shadows over the grassy fields. It was a calm, serene start to what he knew would be a busy year.

He made his way down to the Great Hall for breakfast, the familiar sounds of students chatting and cutlery clinking filling the air. The hall was a hive of activity as everyone settled into their new routines. Students from all four houses were catching up after the summer, sharing stories, and discussing their new timetables. The smell of freshly baked bread and sizzling bacon wafted through the room, mixing with the aroma of warm tea and coffee.

Talon, as was customary, went off to join the other slaves for their breakfast, leaving Harry to meet up with Cyrus, Selene, and their other friends at the Umbra house table. The hall was buzzing with the usual energy that accompanied the first full day back at school. There was an undercurrent of excitement mixed with the usual dose of nervous anticipation that always came with a new term. As Harry approached the table, he spotted Cyrus animatedly discussing something with another Umbra student, while Selene was reading over a piece of parchment, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Morning, Harry," Selene greeted him without looking up, still focused on her reading.

"Morning," Harry replied, sliding into his seat next to Cyrus. "What's got you so engrossed?"

"Timetables," she replied, finally looking up. "Just figuring out how to balance everything this year. I've got Advanced Transfiguration right before Necromancy on Wednesdays. Not exactly ideal."

Cyrus nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, they don't make it easy, do they? I've got Potions back-to-back with Slave Training. That's going to be a killer."

As the students settled into their seats, the teachers began distributing the timetables for the year. Harry received his, scanning it with interest. His schedule was packed, but it was a mix of familiar classes and new challenges that he found intriguing.

Harry Potter's Timetable (Fourth Year):


Morning: Defense Against the Dark ArtsMid-Morning: TransfigurationAfternoon: Gift Training


Morning: Potions and AlchemyMid-Morning: Nature's BalanceAfternoon: Astrology


Morning: DivinationMid-Morning: Advanced NecromancyAfternoon: Gift Training


Morning: Potions and AlchemyMid-Morning: Slave TrainingAfternoon: Transfiguration


Morning: Defense Against the Dark ArtsMid-Morning: Advanced NecromancyAfternoon: Gift TrainingEvening: Astrology (Special Evening Class)


Free Day (Study and leisure activities)


Free Day (Study and leisure activities)

"Looks like a busy year," Harry commented, noting the mix of both practical and academic classes. "But I'm excited for it. Lots of Gift Training this year."

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