CH 7: The Start of a New School Year

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The morning of his departure, Harry woke with a sense of anticipation. His bags were packed, and Talon had ensured that everything was in order. The cool morning air carried the scents of the Crater—the crispness of the trees, the faint tang of magic that seemed to hover over the grounds. After a quick breakfast with the five Custodians, Harry made his way to the entrance of Morgana's Crater, where Garmr was already waiting.

Garmr, the Guardian who had become a familiar presence in Harry's life, stood tall and imposing, his sleek form ready for the journey ahead. The creature's dark scales shimmered faintly in the early morning light, and his amber eyes watched Harry with an almost knowing intelligence. Harry gave a nod to the Custodians, who had gathered to see him off.

"Good luck this year, Harry," Valeria, the Keeper of the Veil, said with a small smile. "Remember, we're always here if you need anything."

"Thank you," Harry replied, a mix of gratitude and excitement in his voice. "I'll make sure to come back in one piece."

Emma, the Shade of the Throne, nodded in agreement. "And keep your wits about you. This year will be different."

With a final wave, Harry climbed onto Garmr's back, feeling the familiar rush of power as the Guardian began to move. The powerful beats of Garmr's wings lifted them smoothly off the ground, and soon they were soaring through the skies. The flight to the school was swift and exhilarating, the wind rushing past as they cut through the clouds. Below, the landscape blurred into a tapestry of forests, rivers, and mountains.

As the school came into view, its towering spires and grand architecture stood out against the backdrop of the surrounding wilderness. Arcanum Isle was like a fortress of learning, and Harry felt a rush of excitement at the sight of it.

Garmr landed smoothly at the entrance, and Harry slid off, taking a moment to steady himself. He patted Garmr's side in thanks before making his way inside, where a familiar buzz of excitement filled the air. Students were milling about, reuniting with friends and sharing stories of their summer vacations.

Harry quickly spotted Cyrus and Selene, who were waiting for him near the entrance to the Rune room, where the new students would soon be sorted. Cyrus was leaning casually against a column, his easy grin in place, while Selene stood with her arms crossed, her eyes scanning the crowd with practiced sharpness.

"Right on time," Cyrus remarked with a grin as Harry approached. "I was starting to think you'd take the long way back."

"Wouldn't miss it," Harry replied, a smile tugging at his lips. "Looks like we've got a good turnout this year."

The three of them made their way to the Rune room, joining the crowd of returning students who had gathered to watch the sorting of the first-years. The room was filled with an air of anticipation as the younger students filed in, their expressions a mix of excitement and nervousness. Some of the older students whispered among themselves, speculating about which houses would gain the most new members.

The sorting ceremony began, with each new student stepping into the Rune circle to determine their house. The circle glowed softly with arcane symbols, and one by one, the new students were sorted into their respective houses: Aether, Ignis, Terra, or Umbra. As the ceremony progressed, Harry noticed that quite a few of the new students were being sorted into Umbra, his own house. He exchanged a knowing glance with Cyrus and Selene, pleased to see their house growing stronger.

"Looks like we're getting a solid batch this year," Selene observed, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched the proceedings. "Umbra's numbers have been a bit low lately. This should balance things out."

Cyrus nodded in agreement. "More fresh blood means more competition. Should make things interesting."

When the sorting was complete, the students were led to the Great Hall for the traditional start-of-term feast. The hall was decorated with the colors of the four houses, and the tables were laden with an array of delicious food and drink. The atmosphere was lively, with students chattering excitedly about the year ahead.

As the feast began, the Headmistress, Isabell Star, stood up to address the students. The room gradually quieted as she spoke, her voice carrying easily across the hall.

"Welcome back, everyone," Headmistress Star began, her tone warm yet authoritative. "We have an exciting year ahead of us, filled with both challenges and opportunities. There are a few important announcements I'd like to share with you."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "First, we are introducing a new tradition this year. Instead of the usual one-day Slave Day, we will be holding a full week of events known as Slave Week. This will take place after Yule and will provide a more comprehensive experience for those involved."

A murmur of interest ran through the hall at the news, with students exchanging curious looks. Harry noticed some students looking particularly excited, while others appeared more thoughtful or even apprehensive.

"Additionally," the Headmistress continued, "we will be hosting another major competition this year. This competition will involve the entire school, and participation is mandatory. Details will be provided closer to the event, but I assure you, it will be a test of skill, teamwork, and perseverance."

Harry felt a thrill of excitement at the mention of the competition. He had enjoyed the challenges of the previous year, and he looked forward to proving himself once again.

Selene leaned over and whispered, "Think we're up for it?"

Harry grinned. "We've handled everything they've thrown at us so far. Bring it on."

The Headmistress went on to mention a few other changes and updates, including new faculty members and some adjustments to the curriculum. She introduced two new professors: Professor Aeliana for Advanced Divination and Professor Mirko for Combat Magic. Both received a polite round of applause, though the latter seemed to garner more enthusiastic reactions from the older students.

When she had finished speaking, the students returned to their meals, the hall buzzing with excitement and speculation.

After everyone had their fill of food and drink, the students began to make their way to their dormitories. Harry, Cyrus, and Selene walked together, discussing the announcements and what the year might bring.

"It sounds like we've got a lot to look forward to," Selene remarked as they climbed the stairs to the Umbra dormitory. "A whole week for Slave Week? That's definitely going to stir things up."

"Yeah," Harry agreed, his mind already racing with thoughts of the competition and Slave Week. "It's going to be an interesting year, that's for sure."

"Better be ready for anything," Cyrus added. "If the past is any indicator, they're not going to make it easy on us."

When they reached their dorm room, Harry unpacked his things, settling back into the familiar space. The comfort of routine was reassuring, and he felt a sense of readiness for whatever lay ahead. He arranged his books on the shelf, his new robes in the wardrobe, and made sure his potions kit was in order. The familiarity of these tasks helped ease his mind, grounding him in the moment.

Before bed, Harry went through his nightly routine, with Talon assisting him as usual. The room was quiet and dimly lit, the soft glow of enchanted candles casting gentle shadows on the walls. Talon's hands were steady and sure as he worked out the tension in Harry's muscles, his presence calm and comforting.

"Are you feeling prepared, Master Harry?" Talon asked softly, his voice a soothing murmur in the stillness of the room.

Harry nodded, his eyes half-closed. "I think so, Talon. It's going to be a tough year, but I'm ready. Thanks for always being here."

"It is my pleasure to serve, Master Harry," Talon replied, his hands continuing their work. "Together, we will face whatever comes."

As Harry lay down, his mind replayed the events of the day—the new students, the announcements, and the anticipation that hung in the air. He thought about the challenges and adventures that the new school year would bring and felt a sense of excitement mixed with determination. The path ahead was uncertain, but he felt more ready than ever to face it.

He drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever the new school year had in store, comforted by the knowledge that he was not alone.

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