CH 18: Weekend Reflections

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As Saturday dawned, a sense of calm settled over the academy. The weekends at Arcanum Isle provided a much-needed respite from the rigor of the school week, allowing students to unwind, catch up on their studies, or explore the grounds at a more leisurely pace. Harry woke to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains of his dorm room, feeling a sense of ease that was rare during the weekdays. Talon had already prepared his clothes for the day, his ever-diligent presence a comforting routine in Harry's life.

After a quick breakfast with Cyrus, Selene, and a few other friends at the Umbra house table, Harry decided to spend the first part of the day hanging out with his friends. The Great Hall was buzzing with a more relaxed energy, students laughing and sharing stories from the past week. The stress of classes seemed distant, replaced by the light-hearted chatter that filled the room.

"Fancy a game of Wizard's Chess?" Cyrus asked, nudging Harry as they finished their meal.

Harry nodded, smiling. "Why not? I could use a good match."

They made their way to one of the common areas, where a few chess boards were set up. As they played, the conversation flowed easily, moving from the latest rumors around the school to their thoughts on the upcoming classes.

"Have you thought about our Divination project?" Selene asked as she watched the game unfold, her gaze shifting between the pieces and Harry's face.

Harry considered her question for a moment before responding. "I think I'll focus on the omens related to the tides and the stars. There's something about the way the stars align with the ocean currents that could be fascinating to explore."

Selene nodded. "That sounds like you, Harry—always trying to connect things."

Cyrus laughed. "Well, let's hope that connection helps you win this game. I'm not going easy on you."

The chess match continued, filled with playful banter and light competition. It was moments like these that Harry cherished—moments of normalcy amidst the intensity of life at Arcanum Isle.

After their match, Harry decided to head back to his room to catch up on some studying. He knew that the upcoming week would be challenging, and he wanted to be prepared. Talon was there, waiting with a few books already laid out on the desk.

"Master Harry," Talon said with his usual calm demeanor, "I've gathered the materials you'll need for your studies today. Would you like me to help with any particular subject?"

"Yes, Talon," Harry replied, settling into his chair. "Let's start with Advanced Necromancy. I need to get a better handle on those new binding spells we learned last week."

Talon nodded and began organizing the books, his efficient movements helping Harry focus. As they worked through the texts, Talon provided insights and explanations that helped clarify the more complex theories.

A little while later, Selene and Cyrus joined Harry for a group study session. They spread out their notes and began reviewing the more challenging concepts together, bouncing ideas off one another and challenging each other's understanding.

"Okay," Selene said, flipping through her notes on Gift Training, "what about the concept of energy conversion in magical creatures? How does it apply to the Golorses?"

Harry perked up at the mention of the Golorses, creatures that fascinated him with their blend of horse, dragon, and aquatic features. "I think it's about how they channel the natural energy around them. It's like a form of hydrokinesis—they draw power from the water and use it to fuel their abilities."

Cyrus nodded. "Makes sense, especially considering how they control tides and currents. It's not just brute strength; it's more of a balanced, controlled power."

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