CH 6: Final Preparations

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The following morning, Harry woke up with a sense of determination. The events of the previous day still lingered in his mind, but he pushed them aside. Today, he needed to focus on the task at hand—getting his school supplies. He had a new year ahead of him, and despite the distractions, he needed to be prepared.

Harry made his way back to the market island, this time with a clear purpose. The sun was already high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the bustling stalls. As he navigated through the familiar shops, he made sure to stay far away from the entrance to the Ruby Encrusted Rose Alley. The temptation to explore further was there, but Harry knew better than to let curiosity get the better of him again—at least for now.

The market was lively, filled with the chatter of vendors and the hum of conversations from students preparing for the new term. Harry moved with purpose, carefully selecting all the necessary items for the new school year: new quills and parchment, potion ingredients, books for his electives, and a fresh set of robes. It was a comforting routine, one that reminded him of his old world, even though the items here were much more specialized and attuned to the unique nature of Darfea.

As he picked up a few rare herbs from a potions stall, Harry overheard a group of older students discussing the upcoming year. They were talking about some of the more advanced electives, mentioning topics like Advanced Runic Magic and Forbidden Alchemy. Harry listened with half an ear, intrigued by the possibilities that lay ahead.

Halfway through his shopping, Harry ran into his roommates, Cyrus and Selene. Both were also deep into their own preparations, their arms filled with supplies. Cyrus's bag was overflowing with potion ingredients, and Selene had a stack of books that looked ready to topple over.

"Hey, Harry!" Cyrus greeted him with a grin. "Finally decided to get your shopping done, huh?"

Harry chuckled, feeling a wave of relief at the sight of his friends. "Yeah, figured I shouldn't put it off any longer."

Selene smirked, her sharp eyes glinting with amusement. "Good call. You don't want to be scrambling on the last day."

They continued shopping together, exchanging thoughts about the upcoming school year and their electives. There was a sense of camaraderie that came easily between them, a bond that had only grown stronger since they first became roommates. As they wandered from shop to shop, Harry felt a sense of belonging—a reminder that no matter how strange this new world was, he wasn't alone in it.

"Have you decided on your electives yet?" Selene asked as they browsed through a shop filled with spellbooks, her eyes lingering on a particularly thick tome about elemental magic.

"Yeah, sticking with the ones from last year," Harry replied. "Plus, I'm adding a few new ones like Astrology and Divination."

Selene raised an eyebrow. "Divination, huh? That's an interesting choice. You weren't too keen on it back at Hogwarts."

Harry shrugged. "This version seems more grounded and practical. I'm curious to see how it differs."

Cyrus nodded appreciatively. "Sounds solid. I'm looking forward to the slave training classes myself. Gotta get better at it."

Selene smirked. "Just don't get too cocky, Cyrus. Remember what happened last year when you tried to show off in front of the instructors?"

Cyrus laughed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, yeah, I remember. Lesson learned: don't bite off more than you can chew."

The conversation flowed easily as they continued their shopping, moving from store to store. Harry picked up a new set of robes, woven with protective charms, and found a book on magical herbs that he hadn't seen before. Cyrus found a rare set of enchanted potion vials, and Selene purchased a set of advanced magical locks for some sort of project she was working on.

When they had finally gathered everything they needed, they decided to take a break and head to a nearby café for lunch. The café was bustling with activity, filled with students and locals alike, all enjoying the last days of summer. The three friends found a table near the window and sat down, their bags of school supplies piled beside them.

As they ate, they talked about their summers, their expectations for the year, and the upcoming classes. The atmosphere was light and relaxed, a pleasant contrast to the intensity that awaited them at school.

"I have a feeling this year's going to be different," Selene mused, stirring her drink thoughtfully. "We've got new challenges, new subjects... I'm actually excited to see what's in store."

"Yeah, and it'll be good to be back in the routine," Cyrus added. "I've missed the structure, oddly enough."

Harry nodded in agreement, though his thoughts briefly drifted back to the alley and what he had learned about it. He considered mentioning it to his friends but decided against it. The Custodians had made it clear that Ruby Encrusted Rose Alley wasn't something to be taken lightly. For now, it was a secret he would keep to himself.

"Harry, you seem a bit lost in thought," Selene noted, her sharp eyes catching his brief distraction. "You okay?"

Harry blinked, refocusing on his friends. "Yeah, just thinking about what this year will bring. I think we're all in for a few surprises."

Cyrus grinned. "As long as they're the good kind. I'm not in the mood for more end-of-year shocks like last time."

They laughed, enjoying the moment of camaraderie. After lunch, they parted ways, each returning to their homes to finish packing and get ready for the journey back to school the next day. Harry returned to Morgana's Crater, his mind at ease after the day spent with his friends.

Back at the Crater, Harry methodically packed his things, making sure he had everything he needed for the upcoming year. Talon was there to assist him, helping to organize his belongings with quiet efficiency. He felt a sense of calm wash over him, knowing that he was well-prepared for the year ahead.

As night fell, Harry felt a sense of contentment. The day had been productive, and he felt more prepared for the year ahead. After finishing his packing, he went through his nightly routine, letting Talon help him relax before bed.

"Are you ready for the new term, Master Harry?" Talon asked softly as he massaged Harry's shoulders, his touch firm and soothing.

"Yeah, I think I am," Harry replied, his eyes half-closed. "It's going to be a tough year, but I feel good about it. Thanks for all your help, Talon."

Talon bowed his head slightly. "It is my honor to serve, Master Harry."

Lying in bed, Harry allowed himself to look forward to the new school year. He knew there would be challenges, but he was ready to face them, especially with his friends by his side. And with that thought, he drifted off to sleep, ready for the journey that awaited him in the morning.

As the night deepened, a soft breeze blew through the open window, carrying with it the faint sounds of the market winding down for the day. Harry's thoughts wandered back to the alley and the mysteries he had yet to uncover. But for now, he was content to let those questions rest. Tomorrow was a new day, and he was prepared to meet it head-on.

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