Chapter Four: First Day Back to School

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Bringgg! Briiinggg! Hailie's alarm went off, waking her up almost instantly. "Uh!!!" Hailie whined, as she slugged out of bed. She hit snooze on the machine, turning it off. After getting dressed in her usual attire, but wearing black sweatpants instead of blue jeans, she grabbed her backpack and ran to the front door. "Bye Mrs.Thornfield!" Hailie hollered happily, as she ran past her. The housekeeper smiled softly back at the princess.

"Ahem?" Lord Deidamia hummed.

Hailie rolled her eyes. "Goodbye father." She groaned, walking out of the castle.

"Took ya long enough." Joked Bray, his black and green backpack hanging off of one shoulder. There was Nightshade and Kamryn on his right, as Alexis stood to Bray's left.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Hailie looked at Nightshade softly. The Nolusax barked, bowing down. The kids hopped on happily, as he took off to the school.

Twenty minutes later, "We're here!" Kamryn yelped, as Nightshade stopped in his tracks. Dragonrise Academy, one of the many schools in the kingdom. Though this one actually lets magical beings in it (Mostly just half elves and wizards). It has many problems, the most notorious is Kali Apex Ventura. She is the most annoying and cold hearted person in the school, with her pitch black hair, judgmental eyes, medium skin tone and a pick me outfit. It was just a simple black leather jacket, with a white bra underneath it; with the jacket covering it being the only reason why she doesn't get dress coded. As well as wearing skinny jeans and white converse. Just overall an annoying and hateful person. But somehow, someway she was dating someone surprisingly. His name, Alastor Barron Phoenix. He'd loved her ever since he laid eyes on her. No one knows why, but he did.

"Five minutes until the bell rings, see ya in class." Hailie spoke, as she walked to her locker. The others said goodbye and see you as well as they separated.

"Ha! Look who's showing their face finally." Kali joked, her long black hair reaching the middle of her back. The princess didn't even give her the time of day and started grabbing stuff out of her locker. "Um. Hello! I'm talking to you!" The bully hollered with more anger in her voice. Hailie gave her a blank stare and walked right past her. "What- A-Answer me!" Kali was dumbfounded and just started screaming and yelling. That crybaby had nothing better to do, and hated when something did go her way. Hailie just walked off laughing; she knew she had won the argument before it even began. After she arrived at her class; Hailie was greeted by her Math teacher, Mr. Davis.

"Well good morning Hailie, glad to see you." Mr. Davis greeted, a warm smile on his face.

"Nice to be back sir." Hailie answered, as she migrated her way to the back of the class where Alexis was. It was a basic class as always. They were learning Real Analysis, which Hailie and some of the wizards excelled at. Once the bell rang, everyone packed up their things and were out the door.

"I'm sure you'll be here again tomorrow, right?" Mr. Davis questioned softly.

"Yep!" Hailie and Alexis answered at the same time, walking out of the class. "So where you heading?" The Dame asked gently.

"Fencing, and you?" Hailie replied.

"Judo. I'm learning how to wrestle so I can beat Bray's ass at it." The two laughed as they separated. After walking down multiple hallways and corners, the princess finally made it to her class. Bringgg! The bell screamed. Perfect timing. Hailie thought.

"Hailie! Glad to have you back!" Her teacher hollered happily. Her blonde hair and her head sticking out of her fencing uniform.

"Good morning Mrs. Wayne." Hailie replied, "What are we doing today?"

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