Chapter Two: A Typical Tuesday?

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Hailie tossed and turned, a bad feeling made her nervous about something. Arousing from her bed, she swung her legs over one side of the Queen size mattress she was laying on and sighed. "Morning Kam." She groaned, her eyes still closed.

"Dang it! How do you always know when someone's trying to scare you!" The half elf yelled angrily, jumping off the ceiling and in front of Hailie. "Nice PJ's." She added jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Hopping out of bed, the curly haired girl grabbed a pair of jeans and a royal blue tank top. "I'm changing, so either wait on the roof or the hallway." Hailie demanded harshly.

Kamryn bowed, "Whatever you say m'lady."

"Call me that again and I'll break your neck."

"Heh heh. Ima go now, Adiós." Kamryn unlocked the window and jumped out of it.

That girl... Joked Hailie in her thoughts, as a smile grew on her face. As the princess got ready, she grabbed her iconic sky blue hoodie, half combed her brown curlies, put on some black gym shoes, and put on her necklace with a tanzanite gemstone in the center of it. She brushed her teeth, and ran out the door.

"Well, you actually got dressed this morning." Alexis teased while looking at Hailie.

"Oh shut it." Hailie answered, punching the Dame in her arm.

"Just saying!" Alexis giggled.

Hailie joined her, as they walked down the east hall. It was a perfect autumn day, the orange and red leaves slowly falling off their branches, a gentle breeze running throughout the kingdom, and a clear blue sky. "Uh, why are we walking out the east hall again?" Alexis questioned softly, turning her head towards Hailie.

"What do you think?" Hailie responded.

"I don't know!"

"So I don't have to see my fucking father! Why else!?!?"


Hailie slapped her hand onto her face, as Alexis nervously laughed. They continued to walk on the garnet red carpet, as the conversation progressed with them.

"We seeing Damian again today?" Questioned Alexis.

"Nah. We're hanging out with Xavier and Alex. I dismissed him today and put Lilith in his place." The princess answered as they got to the royal entrance. With a small push, the wind took the doors and swung them open. Both girls took a deep breath of the fresh air, letting their minds clear up and go blank. "I love days like this."

"Same." The Dame stated softly.

Ding! A notification popped up onto Hailie's phone. Taking it out of her back pocket, she chuckled after seeing the text.

Bray 😋: Heyy, where we meeting at?

Hailie 👑: By the fountain


Bray 😋: Kk. Cya soon!

Hailie 👑: 👍

"Let's hurry, we gotta get to the fountain before Bray does." Hailie joked, putting her phone away. Both girls started to run down the royal stairway as fast as they could, as the knights behind them closed the castle's doors. As the Dame ran down the steps, Hailie skated on the concrete railing, going faster than a rocket going into space. The princess hopped off and grabbed a nearby streetlamp. After swinging her whole body around it a couple times to gain momentum, launched off of it and onto the ground.

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