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"Ahm Ahm"

Dad cleared his throat and took his seat next to me on the dining table while I pretended to ignore him. Both my parents communicated through eyes as they walked on eggshells while being around me.  

This was because of the fight I had with them yesterday and since then I have been not been talking to them and thus they are behaving like I am a walking bomb. 

My mom who finds preparing Mango shake time taking , painstakingly prepared it for me in the early morning with my favorite sandwiches. 

I know my parents were sorry for their act and thus trying to make amendments , but I didn't want to let go of the topic so soon. After all I know , they would again bring the topic soon and then again all of this would repeat.

Yesterday , when we were all seating down after our dinner , my parents suddenly raised the topic of my marriage . I was of course flustered as I have no intentions of marrying , specially not when I am goddamn only 20 .


" Why would you talk nonsense."

"we are not talking non sense. Of course you won't get married now , but we would have to start searching for the groom."

My father too joined the conversation in between " yes your aunt was suggesting one boy who works in the ...."

" why would you listen to the useless relative who has no work but to poke her nose here and there."

" NAINA" my dad thundered at me and I would plainly lie if I said that it didn't hurt. "She is older than you and my sister , respect her."

 My mom looked at me disappointed and I felt like burying that aunt of mine two feet below the ground.  

To be honest she has a single daughter around my age who is nothing but foolish. My cousin is a black sheep in the family but my aunt is one hell of a makeup artist who knows how to represent her like the epitome of goodness. Throughout my childhood she has tried to compare me and her and represent her as a role model. My ass.

My parents being soft and simple either tend to ignore these things or sometimes just don't even understand her tricks. But I hate her and her ideas simply irk me to core. 

I got up from my place and simply marched to my room without looking back at my parents. There is fucking no way I would cry because of a bitchy relative no matter what. 


I ate my breakfast in silence and left for college without telling them goodbye. First up all I was pissed off that they wanted to get rid of me so early and then to think that this idea was planted in their head by that aunt of mine boiled my blood to no end. I simply felt so angry that if I would have been rich I would have thrown my phone on the floor in anger. 

However , I tried to get cooled down while travelling to my college as placements were supposed to take place from today.

Because of their silly nonsense they didn't even wish me good luck for today. 

HUHH , so much for being a good daughter. 

To be honest I am not so hung up on getting a placement as I am okay with a small break from professional life. Incase I don't get a placement for now , I would simply apply for work in other companies in one month. 

I quickly reached the area where we all senior most students were supposed to get assembled. Our principle arrived at the stage and God , she looked too excited and happy. In all the three years of my college life I have never seen my principle smiling this much , not even when our college won a prestigious international competition. 

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