Don't say what you're used to saying

22 1 5

"Yes, I wanted to offer to teach you everything I know about guns and train you to shoot them all. You are an amazing shot and I would love to see how far you can get with your skill." Snipe internally prayed that Midoriya would end up choosing a gun as a support item. A villain wouldn't expect a boy with a flashy quirk and million watt smile to whip out a gun.

"Thank so much Snipe sensei! But could I take a day to think about it?" Midoriya was unsure on how the teachings would affect his day to day life, he hoped Snipe would understand.

"Of course, that's understandable. Now you should go change and head off to your next class, it's not very hero-like to be late." Snipe stated in a gentle tone, with the off hand thought about how Aizawa is always late.

"O-of couse! Bye Snipe sensei!" Midoriya bowed and ran off to the change room to quickly change, nobody was there as expected. He quickly changed and headed off to Ectoplasm's mathematics class.

Math was uneventful, Ectoplasm taught them math stuff and gave them an assignment. Then it was English. Izuku loved English with Present Mike. He was loud and shouted quite a bit which hurt Izuku's ears but he was an overall really great person that Izuku enjoyed and respected, unlike how Izuku did not respect Endeavor. 

Present Mike greeted the class with a loud "HEEEEEEYYY!" That everyone had to plug their ears for. Izuku felt bad for Jiro and Shoji every time they were with Present Mike.  The class all sat in their respective seats, and Present Mike started the lesson. About halfway through Present Mike attempted to take a sip from his cup of coffe only to fail and spill coffee all over his chest.

"Aw, fuck me!" Present Mike exclaimed, at a surprisingly normal volume.

Out of habit, Izuku mumbled under his breath "Maybe later" Completely out af habit from whenever his friends said that. It was like a little group joke because it happened so much. Unfortunately for him, he was just a seat away from Jiro. Her eyes widened at the statement Midoriya had mumbled under his breath. He was the innocent cinnamon roll of the class, there is no way he said that. Those were her thoughts, as her eyes trained over to Hagakure. 

Hagakure is the #2 gossip queen. Jiro knew she had to tell someone. So she leaned over to Hagakure, intending to tell her about what Midoriya had said under his breath, only to be immediately caught by Iida and scolded.  Present Mike just awkwardly watched the exchange. (I get it bro, that would be awkward) After Iida finally decided she had learned her lesson he went to sit down only for the bell to ring as his butt was inches away from the seat. Iida shot up, and started shouting about order and speed to the rest of the because APPARENTLY they were packing up for lunch too slow.

Once the class trickled out of the classroom, Jiro rushed over to Hagakure only to be grabbed by the back of her collar and dragged to go sit with the Bakusqad. Of course Mina just had to decide to sit with the girls that day. The rest of lunch Jiro was just trying to find ways to escape the boys and head to the other table but Kirishima and Kaminari were too oblivious and kept dragging her back, Bakugou found it hilarious and Sero just looked like he felt bad for her. Kirishima and Kaminari were both very confused as to why Bakugou kept bursting out laughing each time Jiro tried to escape. 

Eventually lunch ended and Jiro tried to escape over to the girls to spill the hot tea but again, Kirishima and Kaminari got in the way of that and made her walk to class with them. Midnight's class was painfully slow and Jiro hated that. Midnight's class ended and then it was the last class of the day. Jiro took notes, yada yada yada. The bell rang and she was immediately dragged away by Kirishima And Kaminari again. For some reason they really wanted to hangout with her today. They probably just think she's trying to ignore them, which she is.  Once she finally escapes the two boys she heads to the dorms only to find out from Iida that they had all gone to the mall and wanted to invite her as well but couldn't find her and she wasn't answering her phone. Jiro really regretted leaving her phone in her dorm room that day.

When the 1A girls returned to the dorms Jiro had already passed out on her bed with Star Trek playing. Sad, they really wanted to show her what they got with the permission of Aizawa. It was so active and cute.

What do you think the girls got? Why did they need permission from Aizawa? Leave your guesses in the comment, the comments make me so happy. 

822 words.

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