Chapter 7 - Zestial

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"Ah, an unfamiliar visage." The strange demon spoke. "Doth not beest dainty, little one. Cometh h're."

Emily looks around before crossing the street towards the tall demon.

He spoke again, "I has't nev'r seen thee bef're. Pray tell, what is thy nameth?"

"I'm Emily." She said. "What about you?"

"Thee may calleth me Zestial." He says. "Art thee hath lost?"

"Y-yeah. I fell from Heaven not that long ago, and I have no idea what part of Hell I'm in."

"Ah, I seeth. Thou art in Pentagram City, child. Doth thee has't a lodging to stayeth?"

"Not really."

"Well, doth not w'rry. I am v'ry familiar with Hell. Wh're wouldst thee liketh to wend?"

"I'm looking for the Hazbin Hotel. Princess Charlie is there, and I want to help her."

"Holp the princess? How quaint. I nev'r hath heard of an angel who is't wanteth to holp demons. But v'ry well, I shall guideth thee to the hotel."

"Oh thank you so much!"

Zestial guides Emily through the streets of Pentagram City. Just about ever sinner is hiding or killing themselves.

"Oh, shit!" A demon calls from the top of a building. It purposely jumps off and lands in front of Emily and Zestial, leaving a pool of blood.

"Oh my gosh!" Emily cried out. Zestial looks at the corpse, unfazed. He helps her over the body and the pool of blood, making sure it doesn't get on her.

Another one notices Zestial and points a gun to his own head.

"Wait, don't-"

Too late. He pulled the trigger and fell to the floor. She looks at the body, petrified. Zestial, however, knew that this was a normal reaction to seeing him.

"I don't understand. Why is everyone so afraid of you? Why are you acting like this is normal?"

"I has't been h're f'r centuries, little one. Ov'rtime, I has't did develop most wonderous power," he explained, "It's a warning yond I am not to beest mess'd with."

Emily notices a demon trembling in fear while hiding in a garbage can.

"Well, whatever that power is, it must be very dangerous."

"Forsooth, my child." He then looks forward. "We has't arriv'd. Thee may wend on without me. I wilt attendeth a meeting."

"Ok. It was really nice to meet you, Zestial! I hope I get to see you again!"

"Farewell, child. I give you the most wondrous luck." Zestial says as he turns around and leaves.

There it is. The Hazbin Hotel. I looks... so big and luxurious. Emily takes in the details. The bright lights, a golden statue of Dazzle, the logo of an apple, a mysterious radio tower, and the large key with an eye on it. She is completely awestruck. Who wouldn't want to live in a beautiful place like this?

"Focus, Emily." She thought to herself. She approaches the double door entrance. She wanted to knock, but she doesn't know if she should. How would Charlie react, seeing her end up in Hell? She's going to believe it's her fault.

Emily took a breath and knocked the door a few times. "Coming!" said a bubbly voice. The door swings open.

"Hi! Welcome to the Hazb-"

Charlie freezes as her irises shrink. She covers her mouth.


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