Antivirus Operation

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Antivirus Operation is a sci-fi open world RPG. Set in a futuristic alternate Earth where 99% of humanity has abandoned the real world for a virtual world created by a mysterious sentient AI called Ouranos. Transferring both their consciousnesses and their bodies into the mysterious virtual world. The 1% of humanity that stayed in the real world became historians who preserve the history and occasionally upload their beings into the virtual world in order to debug it. These are 'Operators'. You, the MC, are one of these Operators. But you've been retired for about 5 years since your last dive into Ouranos's virtual world, called the Quantum System. But now you're being forced out of retirement to deal with an issue in the Quantum System. So welcome back Operator to a new dive into the Quantum System.

The story begins with you and your manager meeting up for the first time in five years in order to initiate the dive. You sit down on the chair and your manager begins the dive preparations. First you pick your avatar male or female. (No matter which one you pick your manager will say that you don't normally pick that avatar). Then, you input the name of your Operator account in order to save this new dive onto your account's record. Finally, you relax your consciousness in order to enter the Quantum System and become your avatar.

When you wake up in the Quantum System you find yourself in an outlying field of chaotic wildlife, plants, and stone. You look to the west and see a bustling city that you don't remember but you reason it could have been established in the five years you were gone. You decide to head to the city but before you can even start walking some sort of monster jumps at you. Instinctively you hold out your hand and summon a sword that you use to cut the monster in half causing it to dissipate in a cloud of code. You figure that's part of the problem that your manager called you back into the Operator business to deal with. Before you put your sword away you see a large group of those monsters surrounding you. Out of nowhere you here a voice call out to you. A boy with blonde hair lands in front of you holding a spear. The two of you look at each other and nod before beginning to fight the monsters. You win easily with all of the monsters turning into code. The boy turns to you after the battle and introduces himself as Miles. A Processor soldier from the Quantum System Protection Association. An organization of people called Processors who use special weapons and abilities to kill of the Vira-Banes and protect the Quantum System. You remember the QSPA and Vira-Banes being explained in the case-file given to you before you began your dive. You introduce yourself to Miles but leave out how you're an Operator. Miles asks you why you're this far out of the city. You try to think of an excuse but nothing comes up off the top of your head. But Miles makes one up for you, without knowing, and reasons that you must be from another branch of the QSPA. You go along with that excuse and Miles explains that he's out on a mission to exterminate some Vira-Banes that have been causing a ruckus outside of Cinelei City and the director of the QSPA branch in Cinelei asked Miles and another Processor named Talon to exterminate them and prevent them from moving closer to Cinelei. So the two of you decide to head into a nearby forest where Miles says Talon should be.

You and Miles enter the forest and it doesn't take long to find Talon fighting Vira-Banes. You notice that the weapon he's wielding isn't something like Miles's spear but instead a pair of gloves that seem to be controlling a robotic falcon glowing a jade-green color which destroys the Vira-Banes. You and Miles quickly enter the battle and the three of you destroy all the Vira-Banes easily. Miles introduces you to Talon and Talon introduces himself as well. He says that he's exterminated the second-to-last waves of Vira-Banes in the sector. Meaning there was one more wave coming that. The three of you readied yourselves for it even though you didn't know when it was coming. You didn't have to wait too long because a large amount of Vira-Banes came running at the three of you. You fought all of them off easily until a larger Vira-Bane walked out of the brush which Miles and Talon identify as Thor. You three begin to fight it but don't do much damage to it. Until a blue energy blast hits Thor knocking it back. The three of you look back and see a boy with a bow. Who Miles and Talon identify as Robin. Robin says he'll take care of Thor and jumps up before firing another energy arrow from his bow piercing through the monster's body destroying it. Miles exclaims about how the mission is complete but Robin begins to explain why he's there. It's because the Director of the Cinelei QSPA Branch wants to see Miles. Talon asks what Miles did this time but Robin said that Miles is innocent and the Director just wants to see him. But Miles still didn't see that as a good sign.

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