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Moon's POV

♧Before Solar fell asleep♧

I noticed Solar dozing off. He kept yawning, and I smiled. Poor guy is do tired. I walked over to a desk and placed the parts down. Nova. Soon, Jack's sister, me and Solar's daughter, will be here.

I looked back at Solar, who was now asleep. Aw, he's so cute when he sleeps. I blushed thinking about that. But it's true!

I continued to work on Nova, grabbing the eyes and screwing them into the head. Next, I screwed her head onto her neck, which was pretty easy since it's just one screw. I worked, but I felt a little pain. I was kinda tired, too. But I will do anything for Solar, Jack, and Nova!


I couldn't take it anymore. I placed down my tools and parts. I looked at my hands, shaking. I took some deep breaths, but they were still shaking. I closed my eyes and held my head. I heard a bit of movement from behind me and realized Solar was waking up.

I walked toward him and tapped his shoulder. When he looked at me, I stiffened my hands so he wouldn't notice them shaking.

(You already know what happened from the last chapter, so yea.)

♧After Moon collapsed♧

Solar's POV

"Moon!?" I ran to his side. I picked him up and held him close, still sitting on the floor. I felt like I was about to cry when I noticed his eyes opening slowly.

"Moon!" I said, hugging him. He gasped slightly, then hugged back. "Solar..? What happened..?" He said, still in a daze. I was crying now, almost sure I lost him. "You just collapsed! I was so scared! I thought I lost you..." I said, hugging him tighter.

He was heating up, but not like blush. He was overheating. "Moon," I said, "you're overheating. Are you ok?" I got out of the hug and helped him up. He was still limp and used me as support. "Yea, yea. Just..  overworked, I guess." I sighed. "Come on, let's go get some rest. We can take a break tomorrow -" I was cut off by Moon. "No! I have to keep working! If I don't, then this family will fall apart!" He was speaking so fast and so desperately, I could barely understand him.

"Moon, Moon, calm down. I'm here..." I said, hugging him. "Just breathe. Relax," I continued. "Be calm." He did so and closed his eyes, nuzzling into me. I could hear him crying a bit, and I held him tight. "Shh... I'm here, Moon. Let's go home." I tried to pull out of the hug, but Moon stayed nuzzled into my chest. "Moon?"

"Solar..." he said. "Can we cuddle when we get home..?" I blushed a bit. "That's fine." I said, rubbing his back. We both then parted and smiled. He glanced back at Nova and sighed. "Let's go home, then." I nodded and teleported us home.

When we got there, I helped Moon get hooked onto the wire. He "flew" up and landed, passing the wire to me. I took it and landed beside him.

We walked to my room. I sighed and lay on the bed, as Moon lay there next to me cuddling me. His arms were wrapped around me in a tight embrace, not wanting to let go. I scrolled through the phone system I had in my head and found an app I had forgotten I downloaded.


I opened it and scrolled through the many stories. I found one which was a fanfic of me and Moon. I didn't read the description and found a smut scene. I blushed intensly and closed it out quickly, deleting the app permanently.

I glanced at Moon for a second, then smiled. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Tomorrow, we will finish Nova.

(647 Words)

A/N: WOOH. This took me a whole day to come up with!! Hope you enjoyed it, anyway.

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