Chapter 14: City Fall

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The city was in chaos.

Leo stood frozen in the common area of the dormitory, staring at the large screen displaying the news. The broadcast was filled with images of smoke rising from buildings, people fleeing in panic, and flashing emergency lights casting eerie shadows over the streets. The headline at the bottom of the screen read: *Casper Strikes Again - City in Turmoil*.

"Another attack?" Carlos asked, his voice tense as he stood next to Leo. "This is getting out of hand."

Leo nodded, his mind racing. The attacks had been happening more frequently, each one more devastating than the last. Casper's power was growing, and with each attack, it became more clear that the world's defenses were struggling to keep up. This time, it was a city not far from the school. The threat was too close for comfort.

The camera shifted to a distant shot of the city skyline, and then suddenly, a figure emerged from the smoke. Casper. His massive wings stretched out behind him, glowing with a strange mixture of golden light and fiery embers. The hybrid's form was both beautiful and terrifying - his wings a perfect blend of angelic purity and phoenix fury.

"Look at those wings," Mia whispered, her eyes wide with awe and fear. "He's unstoppable."

Casper hovered above the city, his wings creating a gust of wind that sent debris flying in all directions. His presence alone was enough to send a chill down Leo's spine. There was something about Casper that was both magnetic and horrifying, as if he were a force of nature beyond anyone's control.

For a few moments, Casper simply floated in the air, surveying the destruction he had caused. Then, with a single powerful flap of his wings, he soared higher into the sky and disappeared into the clouds. The broadcast cut back to the news anchor, but Leo wasn't listening anymore. His mind was still on the image of those wings, the raw power they represented.

"We have to stop him," Leo muttered, mostly to himself.

"Yeah, but how?" Carlos replied, shaking his head. "The world's best heroes have already tried and failed. What can we do?"

Leo didn't have an answer. All he knew was that Casper had to be stopped, and soon. But the situation felt hopeless. Every time Casper attacked, he seemed to grow stronger, more confident. And now, he was practically at their doorstep.


The air was thick with tension as news of the attack spread throughout Pretoria High. The broadcast in the common area showed the city skyline, engulfed in chaos, with plumes of smoke rising and emergency vehicles flooding the streets. The familiar logo of a popular news channel was on the bottom right corner, but the image that filled the screen was anything but ordinary.

There, in the middle of it all, was Casper.

The hybrid's enormous wings spanned across the sky, casting a shadow over the city as he hovered above the destruction he had caused. His golden, phoenix-like feathers glowed with the light of a burning sun, while the angelic white tones seemed to radiate purity-an eerie contrast to the devastation below. His hybrid genes were on full display, a terrifying symbol of his unmatched power.

Leo stood in stunned silence, his heart pounding in his chest. Around him, students whispered to one another, fear etched into their faces. Some of them had family in that city, and the realization of just how close Casper was to the school set everyone on edge.

"He's showing off," Mia muttered, her eyes locked on the screen. "Look at him-he knows we're watching."

Carlos nodded, grimly. "He's not even trying to hide anymore. He's getting bolder."

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