Poem 41 (I surrender a part of me)

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~I surrender a part of me
~Nothing but few chapters that is
~History forgone with it
~But are they really just chapters ?
~A hard cover not so good
~Unfinished it still is
~How many more years left to take print ?
~It's better if it ends early
~But what about everything else ?
~The torn pages lying within me
~Well -
~They seem irrelevant
~No expressions needed at all
~Just a book about a mystery
~That may as well just be history
~I want to burn it
~Seeming as a hassle is it
~Do i really have to tackle it ?
~Word's ignited by a flicker
~Burning everything to ashes
~Trash is the superiority of things
~My pen writing
~How do i share all of this ?
~Clouded with insignificant thoughts
~How about publishing it ?
~To take baby steps forward
~I have to take some action for it right ?
~Can't i just run away from everything ?
~Thinking of just ending it all
~But it seems i still have a book left it seems
~A task so hard for me
~Maybe not a noble goal it is
~It's just a desire
~To just want to share something
~But do i really have the courage to face it ?
~Enough to let people reach & understand it ?
~Well it seems like we'll never know now
~Would we ?

I kinda wrote this poem after i penned the official poem 7th which is "Maybe sobbing is a cry for help"
I wasn't quite sure about what to do with these poems i was writing
I wouldn't have published these poems but i did
And .........
I thank you for reading them

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