Episode 14: Crossroads of Heartache and New Beginnings

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The following morning, the atmosphere at JJK Group was thick with unresolved tension. Jeonghan hadn’t been able to sleep the previous night, because he couldn't talk to Seungchol the other day. His thoughts plagued by Seungchol’s careless words. He had come to work earlier than usual, determined to face Seungchol and get the clarity he needed, even if it meant risking his pride.

As Jeonghan entered the office, he spotted Seungchol sitting at his desk, casually sipping his coffee, as if nothing had happened. The sight only deepened Jeonghan’s resolve. His heart was racing, and his palms were clammy, but he knew this conversation was long overdue. He needed to understand why Seungchol had downplayed their relationship.

Taking a deep breath, Jeonghan approached Seungchol’s desk. “We need to talk,” he said, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions brewing inside him.

Seungchol looked up, slightly surprised, but nodded. “Alright. Let’s go somewhere private.”

They made their way to the quiet stairwell at the far end of the building, a place they’d often come to escape the busy office. But this time, it wasn’t for a stolen moment of laughter or playful teasing. The weight of the conversation hung between them like a cloud.

Jeonghan leaned against the wall, folding his arms across his chest. His eyes met Seungchol’s, searching for any sign of the warmth they once shared. “I heard what you said yesterday,” Jeonghan began, his voice laced with hurt. “You told someone that we’re just ‘messing around’ and that there’s nothing serious between us.”

Seungchol’s expression shifted, guilt flickering across his face. He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable. “Jeonghan, I didn’t mean for you to hear that. It’s just… complicated.”

Jeonghan’s jaw tightened. “Complicated? We’ve been together for weeks now. We’ve shared things....intimate things... and you’re telling people it means nothing?”

Seungchol sighed, frustration seeping into his tone. “It’s not that simple, Jeonghan. I’m still trying to figure out what I feel. I didn’t want to rush into anything. I don’t know if I’m ready for something serious.”

Jeonghan’s heart clenched. “But we’ve already crossed that line. We’ve been close—really close. How could you pretend that doesn’t matter?”

Seungchol’s gaze softened, but there was still a wall between them. “I’m not pretending it didn’t matter. I just—” he paused, struggling to find the right words. “I’m confused. I don’t want to hurt you, but I also don’t know if I can give you what you want.”

Jeonghan looked away, blinking back the tears threatening to fall. His voice was barely above a whisper when he spoke again. “It hurts more that you didn’t say any of this before. I deserve better than to be kept in the dark about your feelings.”

Seungchol stepped closer, hesitating for a moment before reaching out to touch Jeonghan’s arm. “I never wanted to hurt you.”

Jeonghan pulled away, his expression unreadable. “But you did. You can’t just dismiss what we had.”

Seungchol’s face was pained, but Jeonghan could see that he wasn’t ready to commit. The uncertainty was still there, lingering in his eyes. It was that same uncertainty that had kept Seungchol from acknowledging their relationship, and it was the same uncertainty that would continue to tear them apart.

Jeonghan’s chest tightened, a mix of anger and sadness surging through him. He took a step back, putting more distance between them. “I need some time, Seungchol. I can’t keep doing this if you’re not willing to be honest with me.”

Seungchol’s hand dropped to his side, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “I understand.”

Without another word, Jeonghan turned and walked away, the weight of the situation pressing down on him with every step. He didn’t know where they would go from here, but he knew he couldn’t continue being strung along. His heart couldn’t take it.


Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jungkook’s relationship had taken a more subtle, yet intense turn. After their stolen moment in the supply room, their connection had grown stronger. They shared glances that lingered just a bit too long, and their touches had become more frequent, though still carefully hidden from the rest of the office.

That morning, as they passed each other in the hallway, Taehyung felt the familiar warmth of Jungkook’s hand brushing against his. It was a fleeting touch, but enough to send a rush of excitement through him. Their chemistry had always been undeniable, but now it was evolving into something deeper, more meaningful.

Later in the day, Taehyung found himself in Jungkook’s office, reviewing some documents. They had both kept things professional for the most part, but there was always an underlying tension between them, an unspoken understanding that they were more than just colleagues.

As Taehyung bent over the desk to point out a section in the report, he felt Jungkook’s hand lightly graze his back. His breath hitched, but he kept his focus on the document in front of him, not daring to acknowledge the touch. Yet, his pulse quickened, and he could feel the heat rising to his face.

Jungkook, sensing Taehyung’s reaction, leaned in slightly, his voice low and teasing. “You’re blushing.”

Taehyung glanced up, his lips twitching into a small smile. “And whose fault is that?”

Jungkook chuckled softly, his hand lingering on Taehyung’s lower back for a moment longer before pulling away. The playful exchange was brief, but it left both of them craving more.

As the day drew to a close, Taehyung decided to take the initiative. He sent Jungkook a text after everyone had left the office, asking him to meet at the nearby rooftop bar. It wasn’t far from the office, and the relaxed setting would allow them to be a bit more open without the prying eyes of their colleagues.

Jungkook agreed, and within an hour, they were sitting side by side on the rooftop, the city lights twinkling below them. The ambiance was perfect, quiet enough for them to talk, but lively enough to keep things casual.

Taehyung took a sip of his drink, his gaze drifting over the skyline. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us lately,” he began, his tone careful.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What about us?”

Taehyung shifted in his seat, turning to face him. “I like what we have, but I don’t want to keep hiding it forever. I know we need to be careful at work, but outside of that, I want us to be able to explore this… whatever it is.”

Jungkook’s expression softened, and for a moment, he looked vulnerable. “I’ve been thinking about that too,” he admitted. “I’ve been so focused on protecting myself from getting hurt again, I didn’t realize how much I’ve been holding back.”

Taehyung nodded, understanding the weight of Jungkook’s words. “I don’t want to rush you, but I also don’t want to stay in this in-between space forever.”

Jungkook reached out, taking Taehyung’s hand in his. The gesture was small, but it was significant. “I’m ready to take things slow, but I want to move forward. I don’t want to keep denying what I feel for you.”

Taehyung’s heart soared at Jungkook’s words. He squeezed his hand, a smile spreading across his face. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

As they sat together, their hands entwined, the world around them seemed to fade away. Their relationship was still new, still fragile, but in that moment, they both knew they were on the right path.

For Taehyung, it was a step toward something real. For Jungkook, it was the beginning of letting go of his past and embracing a future he hadn’t thought possible. The night was theirs, and as they watched the stars twinkle above, they silently promised each other that they would make this work together.

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