Meet The Characters - Arkos Machi

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Arkos Machi is YZ The Holy One's devoted assistant and an aspiring cleric himself, though he is much younger and less experienced. Standing at 5'8", he has a lean, athletic build from his constant travels and the physical training that accompanies his clerical studies. His brown hair is tousled and a little messy, often falling into his bright green eyes, which give him a youthful, inquisitive appearance. Despite his somewhat unpolished look, Arkos has an infectious enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, making him both charming and approachable.

Arkos's attire is a simpler version of YZ's, with robes that are less ornate but still carry the distinct symbols of his clerical order. His robes are primarily light gray with white accents, symbolizing his position as a cleric-in-training. Though he doesn't wear the same elaborate cloak as YZ, he does have a shorter, blue traveling cloak draped over his shoulders, practical for his frequent journeys. Around his neck is a small silver pendant, identical to YZ's, which he treasures as a symbol of his dedication to his path.

At his side, Arkos carries a small wooden staff, more for practice than combat, but it's imbued with minor healing abilities. He also keeps a pouch of healing herbs and salves on his belt, always ready to assist YZ or anyone in need of help. His hands often show signs of his work—small cuts from gathering herbs, and dirt under his nails from helping out on farms or in villages along his travels.

Arkos's personality is lively and optimistic, in contrast to YZ's more serene demeanor. He's quick to smile, often flashing a grin that brightens the mood of those around him. Although he is still learning, he shows a great deal of promise in his clerical training, demonstrating an innate gift for healing magic, though his spells are not always perfect. He is eager to prove himself but also has a tendency to be a bit clumsy, often tripping over his own feet or misplacing his belongings.

Despite his occasional mishaps, Arkos is deeply loyal and dedicated to YZ. He looks up to him as both a mentor and a role model, always striving to be as wise and composed as his teacher. His curiosity and willingness to learn make him an attentive student, but he sometimes acts impulsively, diving headfirst into situations without fully thinking them through. This can lead to humorous situations, particularly when he's trying to assist on Spaztotoro's farm, where his clumsiness and inexperience with manual labor often result in funny accidents.

However, beneath his lighthearted and playful nature, Arkos is serious about his calling. He is deeply empathetic and sensitive to the suffering of others, always willing to lend a helping hand or offer comfort when needed. His youthful energy and compassion make him a beloved figure in the communities he visits with YZ, and he's often the first to run ahead and greet people with a friendly wave and an offer to help.

In essence, Arkos Machi is a spirited and kindhearted individual, eager to learn and grow under YZ's guidance. His youthful exuberance, paired with his genuine desire to help others, makes him an invaluable companion to both YZ and Spaztotoro, even if his inexperience sometimes gets the better of him.

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