chapter ★ ⸝⸝ 7

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The world around Taehyung felt distant, as if it were not his reality. The murmurs of people offering condolences, the sound of footsteps fading in and out—it all blurred into a haze. All that remained clear in the suffocating fog of grief was Jungkook's still body lying in the casket before him.

Everything else ceased to matter.

He stood frozen, his legs refusing to carry him forward. How was he supposed to approach the omega like this? How could he take that step when he knew what awaited him wasn’t the warmth of Jungkook’s embrace or the sweet sound of his laughter, but cold, lifeless silence?

He can’t be gone, the alpha told himself, his mind grasping at any shred of denial that would make this nightmare unreal. Maybe if I wait long enough, he’ll come back. He’ll walk through the doors like he always does, carrying that soft glow, and warmth around him. Taehyung’s heart clung to the ridiculous hope, his breath catching in his throat as he waited… waited for a sign, for anything to prove this wasn’t happening. But there was nothing.

His vision blurred with tears he could no longer hold back. God, please. Just once… I want to say goodbye. Just once, I want to look into his eyes, hear his voice, tell him I love him one more time. Just once.

But he wouldn’t get that chance. Jungkook was gone, and he would never see those eyes light up with life again, never hear that voice whisper his name with that soft, loving tone.

Taehyung’s breath stuttered, his chest constricting so tightly that he felt as if his ribs were collapsing inwards. Now, I have to live the rest of my life without him.

Without Jungkook.


He couldn’t comprehend it. What was the reason? What had been the cause? What had driven his omega to such agony that his body simply gave up? Jungkook had been fighting, hadn’t he? Fighting to survive, fighting for their love. So, why now? Why had it ended like this?

The thought lodged itself in Taehyung’s chest like a knife. He’d never know what had broken Jungkook so deeply that he’d surrendered to the darkness. And now… now it was too late. All too late.

As his thoughts spiraled, Namjoon’s presence beside him was barely a ripple in the storm of his grief. It wasn’t until his brother gently placed a hand on his shoulder that Taehyung registered he was there.

“Tae… it’s time. You need to see him. One last time.” Namjoon’s voice was soft, but it felt like a dagger to the alpha's heart. Time? He didn’t want time. He didn’t want this final moment. He wanted Jungkook back. He wanted to rewind to before, to fix everything, to save him.

His heart screamed in defiance, his body tensing, resisting the unbearable truth of what Namjoon was asking of him. How could he? How could he see Jungkook’s face knowing he’d never see his eyes open again? How could he bear the sight of him lying there, motionless, without the gentle rise and fall of his chest, without the warmth of his smile?

How could he face this cruel reality?

“Tae, you’re the only one for me. My only family. You’re my home. If there isn’t you… there’s nothing left of me.”

Taehyung's mind flooded with the memory of the omega's soft voice, whispering those very words to him on countless nights, when they’d lie together in the dark, hearts beating in sync. But now, the beating of their hearts was no longer in harmony. One had stopped.

And Taehyung was left alone.

He took a trembling step forward, his legs heavy, weighed down by grief. Each movement felt like a betrayal, bringing him closer to the omega who had been his whole world. His eyes fell on Jungkook’s body, dressed in a delicate white outfit.

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