chapter ★ ⸝⸝ 3

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The light from the lantern cast long shadows across the servant quarters as Taehyung sat beside Jungkook, who lay curled on the narrow bed, shivering despite the warmth. The room was filled with the heady scent of the omega, a sweet, intoxicating fragrance that seemed to wrap itself around Taehyung, testing his resolve. But the alpha kept his distance, his heart aching at the sight of the one he loved so dearly, so vulnerable.

Jungkook trembled, his fingers clutching the thin blanket, eyes shut tightly as if to block out the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. The alpha reached out, his hand hovering over the omega's arm, but he hesitated, knowing how fragile Jungkook was in this state.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung whispered, his voice a mix of worry and affection. “I’m here. Do you need anything?”

The omega's eyes fluttered open, glassy and filled with unshed tears. He looked up at Taehyung, his expression a mixture of fear and confusion. “Why… why are you still here? You shouldn't be here anymore” His voice was a weak whisper, laced with exhaustion and the remnants of his emotional turmoil.

“I promised you,” Taehyung replied, his voice firm yet gentle. “I said I would take care of you. And I meant it.”

Jungkook’s breath hitched, a fresh wave of tears spilling down his cheeks. “I feel so scared ” he admitted, his voice breaking. “I’m scared of what this means, of us…”

Taehyung’s heart clenched at the sight of Jungkook’s tears. He carefully leaned closer, his hand finally resting on Jungkook’s arm, his touch light and reassuring. “You don’t have to be scared,” he said softly. “Not with me. Didn't I promised you, cara mia? I’d give up everything if it meant keeping you safe.”

The omega sobbed, the sound heartbreaking in the silence of the room. “But… what if they find out? What if your mother…?”

Thw alpha shook his head, his grip on Jungkook’s arm tightening just slightly, as if to anchor him. "You remember what I've told you? We’ll build a new life, somewhere far away, where no one can hurt you. I swear it, Jungkook. You’ll never have to face this alone.”

The omega's hand slowly reached up, grasping Taehyung’s in a desperate hold, as if he was clinging to his last lifeline. “You… you’d do that for me?”

“I’d do anything for you,” The alpha replied, his voice thick with emotion. He reached out with his other hand, gently wiping away the tears on Jungkook’s cheek, the touch tender and filled with love. “Seeing you cry like this… it hurts me more than anything. Please, don’t cry, my love.”

Jungkook bit his lip, his emotions swirling in a chaotic storm inside him. He was torn between the overwhelming desire for Taehyung and the deep-seated fear of what it would mean to give in, to let himself be loved so completely.

As if sensing his inner conflict, Taehyung moved slightly back, giving Jungkook space, yet never letting go of his hand. “I won’t do anything you’re not ready for,” Taehyung promised. “I’ll take care of you, but I’ll never cross that line. Not until you’re ready. You mean too much to me.”

Jungkook’s eyes watered again at the sincerity in Taehyung’s words, his heart swelling with a mix of gratitude and something deeper, something that frightened him because it felt so right.

“Taehyung… I…” Jungkook started, but his voice faltered, the words dying in his throat as he felt a surge of warmth flooding through him. His body betrayed him, the heat intensifying, making his skin flush and his breath come in ragged gasps.

Taehyung’s eyes darkened with concern as he noticed Jungkook’s distress. "It's okay,” he murmured, his hand moving to adjust the blanket around the omega's shoulders. But as he did, the fabric slipped slightly, revealing the pale, smooth skin of his shoulder.

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