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Right guys so I have a chapter in the works at the moment but writing it out is taking a bit longer than expected because it's got four different point of views in one chapter and I have to go from one point in time to another and then back to the first one and I just have to explain so much stuff and so much is going on so I swear I'm trying to write it as fast as possible because I really need to start scheduling when I'm publishing stuff because it's so all over the place.
Anyway other than that, if you're reading this then I have to ask a question but first off I've got another story called " my last words to you" that one is also still in the works and I haven't updated for almost a month now but it's fine because not a lot of people read it anyway but I want that to change so go check it out.
Now for the question,
For my next fanfic I'm going to start planning stuff out so should I do a :
- shivian fanfic
- marjoreece fanfic
- one shots
- autumn, Reece and Mia childhood fanfic
Or finally
-clorsha fanfic
I know it's quite a few option but I'm going to do them all eventually I think I just want to know what all of you guys would read next so whatever one out of them is tickling your fancy then put it in the comments and I'll start planning stuff.

I'm done with my waffling now so bye.
And as I said next chapter is taking long but it shouldn't be too much longer.

- M x

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