Shouta Aizawa

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———-October 9th, 20XX. 7:23 AM———-

These kids were going to be the death of me. Last night I went to talk to the kids about getting counselors. I understood how emotional this was, how heartbroken and distraught they all might be.

One of their classmates had been kidnapped again, but this time the scene that was left behind wasn't pretty. It wasn't pretty at all.

I had worked with the detectives and found several things on the scene with them, there was the blood of Eijiro Kirishima and the blood of Jin Bubaigawara. Though luckily it seemed that there was significantly more of Bubaigawara's. Which means that kid put up one hell of a fight.

We also found the school uniform of one of our cold cases from a few months back. Miyuki Nakamura, a middle schooler who had gone missing with no trace. The detectives assumed that she had run away from home, her parents always said she was a troubled teen. But after finding her uniform it was much more likely she was either taken or had joined the League of Villains.

There wasn't much else to go on, there were no drag marks, there were no secret passages. The only other thing we found were traces of chloroform. How had they gotten him out of there without anyone noticing?

After the... outburst from Bakugou, I went out to continue my search for the kid. I searched for as long as I could, until I was literally falling over from exhaustion before I decided it was time to go to sleep for the night.

I should have probably checked on my students to make sure they weren't doing anything stupid but I was so tired, the last thing I remember doing was giving Eri a kiss on the forehead before plopping into my bed and passing out.

I woke up slowly to my phone ringing, grabbing it with a groan, a slight headache from how tired I was as I brought it to my face.

"Tenya Iida" it said on the screen. But, before I could pick it up it went away. Before immediately ringing again. Shit, what did this kid want so early? It was 7:00 AM for fucks sake.

I went to answer, giving a very groggy.


The kids voice was loud in my ear and I had to bring it away to stop my headache from getting worse.

"Sir! As class president I must inform you that five of our classmates went after Kirishima last night!" He said and I shot up from my bed.

"What did you say?" I whisper yelled, the anger already bubbling in my stomach. I could hear him clam up before clearing his throat and replying.

"Five of our classmates left last night to look for Kirishima." He repeated, still in his roboticish tone and I could only imagine he was chopping his hands as he said it.

"Who." I demanded, his response was instant.

"Ashido, Kaminari, Uraraka, Midoriya, and Bakugou."

I mentally kicked myself at the last two names, of course the problem children would be the ones to go.

I sometimes wondered if they wanted to be expelled. Bakugou was definitely less of a problem then Midoriya but he was still a problem. I should have known he would go as soon as he started yelling.

Mina and Kaminari were dumb and distraught enough to go, the only person that surprised me was Uraraka. She was usually the smart one, not a genius or anything but she was a good kid. I instantly started to get on my boots as I continued to talk.

"Why did I not hear about this last night?" I asked. He went quiet at that, he... wasn't responding, that could only mean...

"You knew. You knew and you let them go, I'll deal with you later." I said and hung up the phone before he got a chance to respond. I groaned, rubbing my eyes before forcing myself to get up, still exhausted but this was emergent. I needed to find them before they did something stupid and got hurt.

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