Katsuki Bakugou

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————October 4th, 20XX. 9:13 AM————

I blasted my way through the city, determined to find anyone that needed help. I had to come in first place, I had to prove that I needed no damn babysitter.

I heard a scream and grinned widely, my first target. I went down quickly and looked around for the source.

A woman was in the street, a large blue bus heading her way. The bus driver was stupidly oblivious to the red light and the women crossing. I blasted my way towards her, my speed had grown exponentially since I had started UA. I grabbed her, inches away from the oncoming bus. She was light and easy to take to the other side of the road. The bus driver continued without a care and I quickly set her down, she was sobbing, her eyes wide and letting out loud gasps of air. In shock from almost being hit.

Her gaze refocused a bit and she looked at me, grabbing onto my sleeve, trying to thank me but I shook her off with a grunt, blasting my way towards the bus. I still had a job to do.

I got to the front and put my feet on the metal part of it, sending off blast behind me as I gritted my teeth from the force of the bus. I couldn't see inside of it and I was sweating profusely from the strain, luckily the sweat only helped my explosions get larger.

It finally came to a halt and I landed on the ground, panting softly from all the work. I gritted my teeth, my brow furrowing as I steeled myself and walked to the side, ripping open the door, there were no passengers and the bus driver was... asleep.

How in the fuck was this guy asleep? After almost hitting a woman and the loud sounds of my explosions?? Was this guy deaf?!

I was absolutely seething, how dare he sleep on the job and not wake up after all that?? He almost killed that woman for being so stupid. I hit the front of the bus with a loud bang, yelling loudly.

"WAKE UP MORON" The bus driver jolted awake, looking around the bus frantically before locking his gaze with me. His eyes still looked hazy and tired, confusion warping his face.

"Wh-what happened?" He stuttered, his voice still groggy from his nap.

I could feel myself visibly shaking in anger, gritting my teeth as I tried everything to hold my tongue, but I was so angry that I couldn't hold back anymore. This guy deserved it anyway for being so stupid.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?" I barked, my voice filled with anger. The bus driver flinched at my words but I didn't care. "YOU ALMOST FUCKING KILLED A LADY, WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU SLEEPING?"

His eyes widened as I said that and he went to say something but I interrupted him, he had no right to defend himself after this.

"YOU WERE FUCKING NAPPING WHILE DRIVING A THOUSAND POUND VEHICLE. YOUR FUCKING LUCKY I WAS AROUND YOU FUCKING EXTRA." I said, venom lacing my words, he looked at me in fear before looking down, shame covering his face as he clenched his fist.

I yelled at him for another 10 minutes, he sat there quietly, almost in tears and nodding when prompted. The police finally showed up and took the lady to the hospital, taking him in another ambulance, cuffed to the side.

"The fucking nerve of that guy?!?" I said to the police women next to me. She looked at me, an unreadable expression on her face as she lit her cigarette.

"You know he actually has diabetes. He forgot to eat and ended up fainting. He wasn't trying to fall asleep while driving." She said, a judgemental look in her gaze as she glanced over at me from the corner of her eye. Of fucking course I was the bad guy in this situation, I glared at her, my eyebrows furrowed as I snapped at her.

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