Eijirou Kirishima

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———-October 17th, 20XX. 4:58 PM———-

Distant voices.... I could hear someone. Who was it? Why were they so muffled? Everything felt... weird... I couldn't think, I couldn't feel, I barely felt like I could breathe.

Was I dreaming? It was so fuzzy I just needed to close my eyes for a few more minutes. Yeah... then I could wake up back in the dorms, then I could go to class with my friends, I just needed a few more minutes...

I woke up to the sound of muffled voices again, it was louder now but everything still sounded like it was underwater. It all FELT like I was underwater, my body felt numb and light, my senses were dulled. I opened my eyes slowly and my vision swam, colors and light blending together.

There was something surrounding me, it was constricting my body. The pressure all along my arms, head, torso, and legs. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, I could barely feel it through the haze but I knew it was still there. I slowly blinked as the colors still swam in my vision, I could feel how crusted my eyes were but my arms were too numb to wipe it away.

Where was I, what time was it, what happened?

I heard light murmurs to the right of me, but it was still muffled. Slowly moving my head to see a pink blob next to me, as well as a few other blobs. Was that... Mina? I could see the outline of her arms waving around, she always did speak with her hands...They continued to chatter, their voices soft enough that I couldn't make out what they were saying. Everything got less and less blurry as I looked around.

I was definitely in a hospital room, the walls were a milk color and the floors and ceilings were completely white. I tried to look around but my head felt like it was made of a hard brick, did something happen during training? Why was I here? I looked over to see my arm strung up in a cast. I must have really hurt myself, what in the world happened?

"Holy fuck..."

It was clear enough for me to hear and I slowly moved my head back towards the sound. Their figures were still blurry but I could finally make out Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Jiro? I couldn't make out their features but I could see that they had frozen in their seats, the room going completely silent. I opened my mouth to speak it was sticky and dry but I forced myself to croak out.

"guys?" It was definitely softer than intended and a bit painful. I swallowed, wetting my throat as they continued to stare at me.

One of the figures, Kaminari, it had to be with the blob of bright yellow hair on his head, rushed forward. I could hear the sound of shoes squeak loudly on the tile floor, making me wince. The bed divoted from where he leaned against it, his hands quickly grabbing one of mine.

His hand was a death grip, luckily the haze I was still in made me unable to feel it but I knew it was hard from how white his knuckles had become. He seemed to realize what he was doing, relaxing his grip a bit as he stared at me. His eyes frantically scanned me over as if checking to make sure I was real.

I was a bit confused to say the least. Before I felt a warm liquid hit my hand, I looked up, his face had finally completely unblurred, his eyes glassy as he sucked in ragged breaths... he was crying?

"K-Kirishima, oh my god... you're awake, I- I can't believe you're awake." He choked back, sniffling loudly and wiping away the snot with his other hand. I held my breath, biting my cheek as I stared at him. Had it really been bad enough to make him this worried? What could have happened, did I hit my head or something? Why hadn't recovery girl healed me already?

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