Katsuki Bakugou

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———-October 9th, 20XX. 1:52 PM———-


I had almost died.

I- I almost fucking died?

My lungs were on fire as I stared up at the sky. The clouds moved slowly as the sun shined bright on my face.

If I stared up it was like nothing ever happened, as if the world kept turning while hell fired all around us.

I struggled to control my breathing, each exhale whistled out.

Kirishima... was he alright? Was he okay? Was he dead?

I felt tears prick my eyes as I struggled to breathe, the pain in my throat was one of the worst I had ever felt, worse to when the sludge villain had attacked me, I hadn't been nearly as close to death as I had been now.

I had struggled, I had struggled so hard but nothing I did worked, I was completely helpless, I was completely helpless again.

I could still feel his hand around my throat, his hardened fingers gripping my skin as he choked me, as he lifted me into the air and held my throat in his hands.

It was so painful, my lungs burned and my vision got blurry. I could hear a ringing in my ears that only got louder as he went. I tried so hard to get out of his grip but my explosions weren't big enough. I had expended most of my energy when fighting him earlier and my arms were on fire from overextending my quirk.

Aizawa had to save me.

I had to be saved again like some fucking damsel in distress.

...Raccoon eyes slowly came up to where I lay. She was sobbing loudly as she stared down at me, her hand covering her mouth to try and muffle the noise. My ears were still ringing and I could barely pick up the sound of it, my loud gasps for air not helping in the slightest.

I tried to get up but failed, pain shooting through my very core, clenching my teeth with a pained hiss as my whole body shook. Fuck, I was so disoriented.

I was so weak.

"Bakugou are you alright!?" Mina gasped out, placing a hand on my shoulder. I wanted to slap her off but I was helpless, barely able to lift my arms. Her eyes glanced down at my neck, where a bruise was most definitely spreading.

"D-did Kirishima do that, how could he do that?" Raccoon Eyes gasped out in horror, disbelief riddling her features. I snapped my head in her direction my brows furrowing as I tried to snap back.

"H-" he didn't do this, it wasn't him. But the pain increased ten-folds when I tried to speak, coughing and choking on my own words. My head felt foggy and I closed my eyes, focusing on relaxing my breathing.

The hand that rested on my shoulder gently squeezed it, I slowly opened my eyes, seeing the uncertainty on her face. She had no fucking clue what to do, why did this damn extra have to be so useless!

I wanted to yell at her but I couldn't speak, tell her to get a hold of herself and be a hero! I didn't need her help, but why wasn't she doing anything! Why did she do absolutely fucking nothing this whole time!

The anger burned in me but it was slowly melting away, exhaustion hitting me as my brain started to get muddled. Fuck... it was getting so hard to think...

My eyes blinked close and I shook my head, trying to shake the exhaustion from my brain.


I couldn't pass out, I needed to check on Kirishima and make sure he was okay! I had to check on the civilians that were hurt! I had to check if that girl from before was alive!

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