As we walk out of the presser, I look at Sarah and suggest, "Hey, it's near sunset. What do you think about taking a walk in the farm?"
"I don't know, I don't want to be late." she replies in concern.
"Don't worry we will return before it gets dark." I say.
"Fine but we really have to return before dark," she says.
"Ok deal, also I have got some Aljarjer," I say, swinging a small bag of Aljarjer.
Aljarjer is a small snack which is dried olives. Some of the olives on the trees get dried by the sun so they can be eaten without any additions. I have collected few of them in a small bag to eat with her.
We keep eating them and walking randomly in the farm, spectating the beautiful view until we find a dandelion corp.
"Hey you see that!! Let's go there" she says with a very excited tone.
The view is fabulous. The sunset baths the sprawling farm in a golden hue, making the sea of dandelions glow like tiny suns. Sarah and I walk beside each other, as we step onto the field. The soft breeze carries the sweet scent of wildflowers.
Sarah smiles and says. "I can't believe this view is real."
" I feel like we are in the best spot in the world." I say. I bend down, pluck a dandelion, and hold it up to her. "Make a wish."
Sarah closes her eyes and blows gently, sending the tiny parachutes floating into the air. "What did you wish for?" I ask, looking at her eyes twinkling as she watches the seeds drift away.
She looks at me smiling. "If I tell you, it won't come true." She says.
I giggle. "Okay, I think I know it anyway."
I kneel down and gather a bunch of dandelions, their fluffy white heads bobbing in the breeze. "Let's see who can blow the seeds the farthest!" I challenge her, handing her a handful.
"Challenge accepted," she says, pulling the dandelions from my hand.
We stand beside each other facing the sunset, dandelions in our hands and ready. "On three," I say. "One... Two... Three!"
Together, we blow as hard as we can, the seeds swirling in front of us in a magical dance.
"I won this last one is mine" I shout pointing to the farthest seed.
"No it is mine, I won" she says.
I scoop up a handful of dandelions and throw them into the air above her. She squealed in delight, the seeds cascading around her like fairy dust. "Kareem!" she exclaims, laughing joyfully.
She pulls a handful of dandelions and does the same to me. I kneel down to get some dandelions again and she runs away laughing. I run after and we keep running laughing until she falls from laughter and lays on the ground. I lay beside her on the soft green grass and we both look at the sun going down silently.
I slowly move my hand over her hand, gently holding it. She looks at me, and when I turn my head to see her, I'm captivated by her gorgeous face and mesmerising smile. My heart races, every cell in my body wanting to scream and tell her how I feel.
"I love you," I say, looking into her glowing eyes.
Her eyes widen, and her smile grows even brighter. She tightens her grip on my hands and says, "I love you too."
I feel like the world around us is fading away. The field of dandelions becomes our own little paradise, a place where time stands still and love blossoms like the flowers at our feet.
"Let's take a picture for this moment before the sun goes" she says and gets her phone out.
"Wait." I say and pick a dandelion and tuck it into her hair.
"You look like a dandelion queen." I say.
We take a picture together with the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. This photo captures the best moment of my life, a moment when I couldn't be happier.
We walk back before it gets too late holding hands and not wanting to let go. We let go when we come near our parents, but we agreed we will tell them that we love each other when we return home.

Shadow of Resistance
Historical FictionShadow of resistance is a gripping tale of survival, loss, and resilience set in Gaza during the relentless periods under the Israeli occupation. Through the eyes of Kareem, a young boy growing up in war-torn Gaza, as he navigates the harsh realitie...