Chapter Twenty Nine

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We could either stay in an UNRWA school or in a tent somewhere. These options are hard and difficult to cope with. The schools would be very condensed and the toilets would be very dirty. The tents are even worse with no toilets at all, forcing us to sleep on the sand amidst insects. Each choice feels like another blow.

If Omar and I could manage in these conditions, the girls wouldn't. Maybe, I could leave them at Sarah's until I find another suitable place. While Omar and I could stay in the nearest school for now. But as I drove to Sarah's, I was met with a chilling sight, the building was damaged, shrouded in darkness without a single light on.

I get out of the car and stare in disbelief at the building that looks totally abandoned. The silence and complete darkness made it feel haunted, as if life had drained out of it. My mind raced with fear, had something happened to her and her family? Is Sarah alive? Could I really lose both my mother and Sarah on the same day?

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, and I freeze, my heart pounding.

"Don't worry, they all got out safe," a man says, his voice steady.

I turn to see Michael, one of their neighbours from the next building. Relief washes over me as I recognize him. He was invited to our engagement, so he knows exactly who I'm looking for. His familiar face and reassuring words are like a lifeline in this moment of fear and uncertainty.

"Do you know where they went?" I ask in concern.

"No, I am sorry. I just saw them all running out of the building when it was hit." He says.

"Thank you, Mr. Michael," I say, pulling out my phone. My heart sinks as I see dozens of missed calls from Sarah. I must have missed them all while we were at the graveyard. I call her back immediately, but her phone is unreachable. The battery must be dead by now.

I notice a lot of missed calls from Youssef. When I call him back and tell him what happened, he tries to stay strong for me, but then he breaks down and starts crying. We talk for a minute then I tell him I need to go find somewhere to spend the night and the call ends.

With nowhere else to go, we head to the school. When we arrive, the sight before us is heartbreaking. The building is packed with people who got displaced here.

All of these people have taken refuge in this school, each one of them survived from his own harrowing experiences. The air is thick with misery, and fear grips me as the weight of responsibility presses down. I'm the one who has to take care of my siblings now, to protect them from all dangers flying around us. I have learnt some things from my father during times like this, but we never sheltered in a different place.

I take a deep breath, recalling my mum's last words, trying to draw strength from them. After parking the car, we divide up, Jasmine stays with me, and Omar takes Mariam with him. We begin our search for an empty room within the school. Finally, Omar calls out, after finding a space for us.

The room Omar found was a typical classroom, its plain white walls faintly visible in the dim light filtering through the small, high windows. Rows of wooden desks and chairs, leaving a small open space in the middle of the room. The board at the front was still covered with remnants of lessons, maths problems, and sketches, giving the room a sense of normalcy despite everything.

The floor was hard but clean, and although the room was sparsely furnished, it felt like a small, safe haven amidst the chaos outside. We lay down on the ground resting our heads on some pillows we had in the car, grateful to have found this simple space to rest till the next day.

As this heavy day has finally came to an end. I try to sleep as tomorrow is a very long day filled with things to do. But the weight of it all pressed down on me, the loss of Mum, the responsibility for my siblings, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. Unable to hold it in, I silently cry, tears streaming down my face as I lay in the darkness. I cried until exhaustion finally pulled me into sleep.

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