After Planet Vegeta's destruction, before Dragonball

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737 - July - Fasha, Natura, Paparika, Rai & the few Saiyans they brought, land on Zarlina where Eclipse & a young Windra welcomes them. After learning why they're on her planet, Eclipse leads them into a village where they can stay, then warns them that her world has very little sunlight and points to their Star which is equivilant to the distance from Earth to Neptune. She also mentions that she uses her dark planet to absorb sunlight and they wont have to worry about the cold.

August - Kakarita's pod crashes near Mount Paozu where Grandpa Gohan takes her in.

Later the same evening, Solana's pod crashes into the water near Kame House. Master Roshi takes her in after listening to the message directed to Solana in the ship & reconizes Gine's voice from when she spend a few years on Earth in the past.

738 - Chiaotzu is born.

739 - After learning about the prophecy, Lord Beerus goes to sleep.

Y'Kah attacks the Winter race and is barely defeated by Glacia, however as Y'Kah flees he fires and energy blast into their Star...This will have no immediately effects, but a few years later it will turn into a Red Giant and make Planet Winter thaw out causing the Winter race to die off due to being weak to fire and heat.

740 - 19th Budokai is held.

Roshi begins to slowly train Solana

Avoca, Oolong & Puar are born.

742 - Solana finishes her training under Master Roshi and is sent off on an adventure.

A Month later she finds Korin's Tower and climbs it, recieving Korin's training.

743 - Cyro-Vapora returns to Planet Magmis, ingiting another war between them.

River is born.

744 - Hoi begins to look for Taipon's musicbox.

Lavika tells Eschalot & Nocturna to sends Volcana to Namek and Coal to Earth, along with themselves to wherever planet. Eschalot gives Lavi & Lavika a hug before going into the fire castle.

Inside Eschalot grabs Volcana while Nocturna grabs Coal and they places the girls in their respective ships. *You're like a sister to me, I promise that one day I will find you* Eschalot tearfully says to Volcana before letting the ship leave for Namek.

Nocturna tells Coal something similar and her ship leaves for Earth.

Nocturna pulls Eschalot aside and informs her of Planet Starla, where her people are originally from...Eschalot nods and they get into Nocturna's ship and leave for Starla.

A week later, Lavi & Lavika use their life force for a Max Power Volcanic Blast, killing the Cyro-Vapora king. But the massive drawback causes both girl to nearly collapse...Both are out of energy and unable to move, they hold hands like sisters and smile before their unstable planet explodes. This unknowingly to Volcana gives her the title of Queen of her race due to both Lavi & Lavika dying with the planet. Lavi & Lavika had fired off her essence in unision which will merge and find the same Sayian giving birth to Nova later on

745 - 20th Budokai is held, Solana is able to place 2nd, narrowly losing to King Chappa.

As an Asteroid approaches Planet Tritana, Tritana herself send's Tsuna to Neptune where the sister race lives. Tritana fires off her essences just befored the Asteroid destroys the planet.

Volcana crashes on Namek, Guru tasks Nail to look after the girl.

Coal crashes in Diablo Desert, near where Yamcha & Puar lives.

Eschalot & Nocturna land on Starla, the gravity is 5x that of Planet Vegeta, but the two manage to go inside the dome and rest. The gravity will provide training for them later on.

Nova is born.

746 - Tsuna splashes down on Neptune where the Sea-Triton race welcomes her.

Coal moves in with Yamcha after befriending him.

Spring is born.

747 - After being too weak to do anything more, Glacia order's Frostina to leave the planet for her own safety. Before Glacia passes out, she fires off her essence. Glacia then passes out and Frostina begins to wail and cry. She then performs a forbidden technique and Flash Freeze's her mother into a time Ice Prison in an attempt to save her life. 

Frostina carries Glacia into the ship and leaves the planet, 3 hours before all the Ice & Snow melts.

Solana hears loud noises in the distance and investigates. She notices an Oozaru stomping around and switfly slices the tail off forcing it to revert to normal. After it returns to the little girl, Solana says something *This....this must be that girl Gine wanted me to look after* She picks up Kakarita and takes her into the house Granpa Gohan and her were living.

Once Kakarita is asleep, Solana buries Granpa Gohan and lets Kakarita visit the next morning, awhile visiting Grandpa Gohan's grave...Solana tells Kakarita who and what she is, including Kakarita's Saiyan name.

After hearing about her husband's demise, Ocean grabs River and leaves the Cyro-Vapora planet.

748 - Frostina lands on Earth is the Tundra regions, it takes 3 months to build an Ice Castle...She also build's 2 underground facilities...A healing chamber and a gravity chamber. She places her mother in one the the pods in the healing chmaber hoping that one day she would wake up.

In the early  winter months, Frostina finds a dragonball and puts it in with the antique's she has thinking its a rare item.

Ocean & River splash down in nearly the same spot Solana did 11 years prior. Ocean gives River over to Master Roshi and explains who they are and says that she isnt a capable mother anymore before leaving the planet, taking the ship with her to an unknown location

Iclyn is born.

749 - February - The Pilaf gang begins to annoying Frostina who threatens them to leave her alone, which they do until the events of dragonball

April - Bulma finds the 2-star ball in her basement.

1, September - Bulma sets off for the dragonballs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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