Moving backwards

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It's been 10 days. My face has healed, just a bit of bruising but it covers up with make up so I can go out and live my days freely (with Jason or Leah of course).
Today is match day. I've told Leah I have a meeting to go to but I'm actually going to the game, Leah doesn't want me to come because of my ribs but I have to support her, she's done so much for me these past few days I need to support her in some way too.

Jason: "you ready boss?"
Molly: "as I'll ever be."
Jason: "let's get going then."
The game is in Birmingham. Not too bad of a drive, Leah's been gone since yesterday. It's a 5pm kick off so we set off at 12 just so we can get there and have some food before it all starts.

We get there around 3pm, Jason and I stop at a cafe for some food before walking to the ground. He's watching me like a hawk, making sure people don't get too close. I have Leah's shirt, an Arsenal hat and sunglasses on so no one has recognised me so far. Jason also has an Arsenal shirt on not to raise suspicion.

Jason: "you alright?"
Molly: "can't wait to see my girl play."
Jason: "I bet you can't. She will be happy you're there."
Molly: "I hope so, it's been ages since I've gone to one of her games. I just don't want it all to get out of hand."
Jason: "I know Mol, but you're here now and you're safe."
Molly: "I know J."

We take our seats, both sitting near the back so people can't see us, mainly the cameras, I don't want to take the spotlight away from the game.

The crowd starts filling up, the atmosphere is great, Arsenal fans really do come out in full force every time they play which is great to see. The girls are warming up, laughing along and having a good time.

Leah's POV:
I'm warming up when Rach comes over to me.
Rach: "hey skip."
Leah: "Rach."
I embrace her tightly, I've not seen her in a while, since she retired from international football anyway.
Rach: "how are you? How's Molly?"
Leah: "I'm good, and she's getting there. Her ribs are still busted but she's not in as much pain which I'm happy about."
Rach: "that's good, I need to get going but thought I'd just check in."
Leah: "good to see you buddy."
I hug her again before she walks back to warm up.

Beth: "you ready?"
Leah: "born ready."
Beth: "let's do this."

No ones POV:

The game has started, Molly watching on from afar under the watchful eye of Jason.
Leah is playing well, solid start to the game, lots of attacking play and a few missed opportunities, Villa look frustrated with how well the Gunners are playing.
It's the 23rd minute and Beth is running down the wing with the ball at her feet, she scoops it up over the top to Alessia who is patiently waiting for the ball to drop. She volleys it and it goes in. The crowd erupts, Molly goes wild, jumping up and down, just a normal Arsenal fan.
So far she's blended in well with the crowd, no one knows she's here. She takes her sunglasses off for a second to wipe her eye.
"Oh my god! It's Molly prince!"
Someone shouts from a few rows in front.
Everyone turns around and she starts to panic. Her chest gets tighter and she starts getting dizzy.
Jason tries to stop everyone from getting too close but it's too much, the stadium security get involved. Jason is too busy trying to get the crowd away to notice that Mollys collapsed. In a ball on the floor. Unconscious. Gasps and "is she okay" can be heard from the stand.
The game stops. Medics and the team's medics all run up to where all the commotion is.
Security manage to get Molly inside. Jason is going insane with worry. Shouting her name to get her awake but nothings working. He starts blaming himself.
Meanwhile, the team are in a huddle, Steph looks at the crowd and notices a familiar face. Jason. She knows him from the concert. She sees him pick the person up and her heart instantly drops.
Does she tell Leah? Or does she let Leah play the game.
Jason is calling people, TJ mainly, he tells one of the security to go get Leah.
Steph worrying what to do, speaks up.
Steph: "is that person okay?"
Jonas: "she's unconscious, has been for about 10 minutes, paramedics are with her, let's focus on this game. Okay? They are in our end, so we need to play for them."
Steph looks at Leah, she has no idea what to do. Beth can tell Steph knows something. Asking questions and looking around to see who it was Beth asks. Steph tells her.
"Fuck." is all Beth says.
The game is about to restart. Steph runs to Jonas first. A security guard is down there on the sideline with him.
"Lotte! You're coming on"
Leah is annoyed she's coming off.
Jonas tells her to go to where it's all going off.
"It's Molly."
She goes pale, she looks around then makes a dart down the tunnel. Running quicker than she does on the pitch to get to her girl.

Leah's POV:
I'm running quicker than I ever have. Mollys here? But she's unconscious?
I run to the room where she is. Jason looks panicked.
Jason: "Leah."
Leah: "what happened?!"
Jason explains and Leah's face goes from worried to panicked too.
Leah: "well what are the paramedics saying?"
Jason: "they don't know either."
I go to her side, our medics and villas medics are about to go.
Leah: "baby? Can you hear me?"
No response.
Leah: "come on baby, wake up for me, please babe."
No response.
The paramedics take her to hospital, I'm in the ambulance, holding her hand tightly as the paramedics monitor her. Jason is following in his car. How could he let this happen?
Molly gets rushed in. I get shoved into a waiting room. No phone, no connection to what's going on.
Jason runs in on his phone.
Jason: "Janet and will are on their way."
Leah: "what happened? How could you let this happen? I told you not to bring her!"
Jason: "Leah. I'm sorry, I didn't think this would happen, she just wanted to go see you play so much."
Leah: "if you'd have told me I'd have got her in the box with my family. She'd have been safe."
I break down. Jason wraps his arms around me.
Jason: "she wanted it to be a surprise. I'm sorry I didn't protect her enough."
I don't say anything, I just cry on his shoulder. Janet and Will run in a few minutes later. They ask what happened, Jason explains.
Jason: "I'm sorry."
Will: "it's not your fault. Don't worry son. How is she?"
Leah: "we don't know yet."
Will: "I'll go find out."
Will walks out and Janet hugs me.
Janet: "she'll be okay."
Leah: "I know."
Will comes back in a few minutes later.
Will: "a doctor is coming to speak to us."
Janet: "did they say anything?"
Will: "she's still not awake."
Leah: "what? It's been an hour."
Will: "I know"
Jason: "I'm going to call TJ."
Jason goes outside to call TJ.
I don't say anything. I just pace around the room.

Jason comes back in and says TJ is on his way. Then a doctor comes in.
Doctor: "Molly Prince?"
Janet: "our daughter. Her fiancée and her security. How is she?"
Doctor: "it's not great."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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