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'You're an angel, I'm a dog
Or you're a dog and I'm your man
You believe me like a God
I'll destroy you like I am'
-I'm Your Man, Mitski

⋆ The Doctor ⋆

⋆ Charlotte Pond ⋆

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⋆ Charlotte Pond ⋆

⋆ Professor River Song, Amy (Amelia) Pond and Rory ⋆

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⋆ Professor River Song, Amy (Amelia) Pond and Rory ⋆

⋆ Professor River Song, Amy (Amelia) Pond and Rory ⋆

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⋆ Covers ⋆

A/N: Hello and welcome to Blue! This is basically a retelling of Red from the Doctor's perspective (I know some of the chapters in Red did have snippets of his thoughts and feelings and whatever but this will very much be the Doctor and what he go...

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A/N: Hello and welcome to Blue! This is basically a retelling of Red from the Doctor's perspective (I know some of the chapters in Red did have snippets of his thoughts and feelings and whatever but this will very much be the Doctor and what he goes through during and after the events of Red including scenes that Cherry wasn't there for etc) So, if you have read Red already, Hi! and if you haven't you technically don't need to read it but I would recommend reading that first and this after, mainly because there's more chapters and that is how I intended people to read it so I will be writing this assuming all of the readers have read Red.

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