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"Wake up honey it's time to get ready for school."
"Ugh can't I stay home today?"
"I thought so."I said getting out of bed.
*meow* "oh good morning Lola, want to help me get ready?" *meow* "alrighty then.lets see what we have here." My closet is huge. it's always hard to choose an outfit when I have so many clothes to chose from. "okay today's outfit is going to be a regular black skater skirt with my flannel button up shirt and my black vans. "perfect!"
"I am going to take that as you also like my outfit."i said as I walked to the bathroom. "what should I do to my hair?Oh! I know flat iron it haha so cool right Lola?." *meow*
My hair really isn't anything special besides the fact that I have pink tips starting from the top of my ear. lola likes it so I think it's cool.

"SAM!" My mom called just as I finished putting on my mascara. "COMING." "bye Lola I'll see you in a little bit." *meow*

"Good Morning mom." I said with a bounce in my step. "here is your breakfast. don't be late for school and drive safe." my mom said as she walked out of the house. "Okay.."i said to myself as I ate my breakfast. *beep beep* "oh would you look at the time, time to go!" I said as I picked up my backpack.

It's about a 15 min drive to school which for some reason feels like 5 min which sucks. I pull up into the school parking lot to my designated spot all thanks to my dad who is super rich because owns a dental office or whatever. "Good morning Sam." I hear a familiar voice say. " Oh, hi Ray!" I say as I turn around and find my bestest friend in the whole wide world, we are practically sisters.
"I heard there is a new kid who is starting today." Ray says.
"oh cool."
"The new kid might get the empty locker next to you." ray says.
"That would" I slowly say.
"Oh c'mon how cool would that be."Ray says.
The thing with Ray is that if you think I'm peppy, she's like 100% more peppier than me too the point it's annoying but you've gotta love her. Ray is short Reyna btw.
"There's the bell we gotta go." I said to Ray. "ugh science why can't that just burn in hell?" Ray groaned. "because without science they wouldn't have a shot for rabies for your puppy ok?."I snapped as we sat down. "Sam they need you in the office." Ms.Ryder said. "ooh what did you do this time."Ray said with a smirk. "I killed your mom." I said sarcastically. I said as I walked out the door.

"That's me."
"Ms.Sheredon would like to see you in her office."
"Your not in trouble this time, I would like it if you show Our newest addition to Pearson high, Ashton Irwin around the campus. We have made his schedule identical to yours so that shouldn't be very hard. okay? And plus this is for breaking our mascot statue."
"I told you that was an accident. it was a science project."
"I'm pretty sure launching a rocket and breaking the mascots head isnt an accident."
"Whatever you say Ms.sheldon, c'mon Ash we don't want to miss the pinky and the brain."

"It's sheredon. Don't worry she makes nicknames for everything,thats science class.She'll probably have one for you too."

"Let's goo." I said to Ashton.
"So where did you move from?"
"Oh cool, welcome to Melbourne!"
"So what's your address?"
"415 pave dr. 1602."
"Oh that's cool my address is 416 pave dr. 160......wait a minute that's right next to yours..."
*ring ring*
"Oh looks like we need to go to 2nd period.but first you need to meet someone."
"SAM did you get in trouble."
"Nope, this is Ashton the new kid."

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