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"So what was your name again?" Michael asked me.
"Um Ashton Irwin."
"Where are you from?"
"Do you play any instruments?"
"I play the drums."
"Dude he'll be perfect!" I heard calum say.
"How would you like to join our band?"
"Here you go all good." Micheal said.
"Oh look you managed to keep your hands off him good."sam said chuckling.
"Shut up Consuelo."

"So why did you guys talk about?"
"Nothing much."
"Oh that's cool."
"Do you think maybe you could drop me off at michaels house after school?"
"Uh sure.."
How much did they actually talk about? What is he keeping from me?

"Um aren't we supposed to go to 3rd period?" Ashton said interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Uh yeah we have Nomsense 1 with ms.femme."
"Uh what?"
"French 1 with ms.conley."
The rest of the day dragged along so slowly but it finally ended. Ashton and I got into my hot pink challenger and I started jamming out to SWS(❤️) losing myself in the music.
"Um Sam? Where are you going?" Ashton asks.
"Home why."
"I thought you were taking me to Michaels house."
"Oh yeah I completely forgot it's only 5 minutes away from my house."

~5 minutes later~
"We are here!!" I announced.
"Oh cool thanks."
"No problem. Hey do you need a ride to school?"
"Um sure, I'll text you my address."
"I don't have your number."
"Oh here."
After we exchanged numbers I sped straight home to run a marathon of Lost. wow so fit.
"There you are, how was your day today?"
"That's good. I'll be right back Lola let me go change."
I quickly ran upstairs and threw on a pair of sweats and my AHS shirt. After that I ran downstairs and turned Netflix on. "C'mon Lola lets go grab some snacks." for Lola I grabbed some left over salmon from dinner and heated that up, For me I made shrimp ramen and popcorn. "Alright are we ready Lola?" *meow* I put lost on to where I stopped at yesterday.

'I say jump what do you say?
You first.'

After an about 3 hours of running, I decided to go to the mall."See you later Lola." *meow*
Father, father, tell me where have you been?
It's been hell not having you here
I've been missing you so bad
And you don't seem to care
When I go to sleep at night, you're not there
When I go to sleep at night, do you care?

Do you even miss us?
Your bottle's your mistress
I need to know, I need to know

Why are you walking away?
Was it something I did?
Did I make a mistake cause
I'm trying to deal with the pain
I don't understand this, is this how it ends?
I will try to understand.🎶

*car stops*
"Aww that was my favorite song." I muttered to myself. "hmm hm hm hm...what should I get today? I'll just go to hot topic."
"...These flannels and these jeans and shirts...." that voice sound familiar almost like...
"Oh look it's sam." Michael says.
"ugh great it's the gay kid. What are you guys doing here?"
"We were just about to ask you the same thing."
"I was just gonna get a new phone case or maybe a shirt."
"We here are getting Ashton new clothes."Calum explains.
"What's wrong with his clothes?"
"That's self explanatory."Luke says chuckling."
"How is this?" I hear Ashton say.he was wearing black skinny jeans, a black pair of vans, a green day shirt and a red flannel.
"Holy shit." I muttered under my breath. He looked so hot in the outfit, I had never really payed close attention to him during our 8 hours of class.
"See I have skills." Michael said with a smirk.
"Whatever. I'm gonna look at the shirts see you later."

I love sleeping with sirens😍. I was about to put a 5sos song then I remembered haha.

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