Chapter 5

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A/N: sorry I waited to update.


I just woke up to my beeping alarm clock. I groan. I slowly drag myself out of bed. I see Ava awake but Eden is passed out on her bed. I suddenly start smiling remembering the date we went on. I really had fun.

"What are you smiling about?"Ava asks

"My date with Harry." I giggle

"So how was it, I was asleep when you got back."

"It was amazing. We went on a picnic. And then when we got back he kissed me on the cheeks."

" Oh My God!!!!" She squealed.

"Shhhhhhh you will wake up Eden."

"I am already awake." Eden groaned.

"Sorry" we say together.

"It's fine. So the date went good I heard."

"Yup" I pop the p.

"Let's go eat I'm starving!!" Ava shouts.

"Ok let's go." Eden says.


I wake up and decide to text Carter.

Me: good morning sunshine! Wanna go get breakfast.

Her: I am already at breakfast in the cafeteria with the girls. you guys can come if you want.

Me: ok I will talk to the boys.

"Boys!!" I roar " lets go, we are going to eat with the girls."

I hear 2 groans and 2 muffled groans because 2 of the boys are in the room next to us.

"Let's go"I text her.

Me: we are on our way.

Her: yayyyy!!!!!

Me: see you soon, love.

Her: we are here waiting haha.

(At the cafeteria)

"Hello girls"we say in unison

"Heyyy" the girls say.

"So that date that happened last night."
Louis said.

A/N: cliffhangers!!!! Love them.and you.i am in McDonald's when I wrote and published this lol!!!

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