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Alex POV( she\ her)

and so, we did just that. We all went around again, saying our godly parents. When it got to me, I said  "my mom is Loki"

One of the boys gave me a weird look. " wait, like, from the movies? And what do you mean, mom?"

I sighed. I hate those movies. They always lead to conversations like this. " no. NOT like from the movies. And, Loki is genderfluid. "

The boy gave me a weird look, but shut up. Finally. Magnus said I need to stop getting so pissed of at everyone for everything, but, I didn't take his advice. I simply decapitated him. Much easier.

Anyway, I'm getting of track. We eventually finished history, where we learned no history, and were taken to our rooms, which were in a building right next to the school. Luckily, samira somehow managed to stay out of all this, so I got a room to myself. We weren't allowed out for a few hours, so I decided to read for a bit. 

I gave up after like, two pages. It was one of those books maggie gave me, and, was just another of those ones by dead white males. I ended up just taking a nap. Why not? I have an eternity ahead of me. 

----------time skip

Lucy POV

I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to sign up for this. I mean, there half god! Their dangerous! But, it came with extra credit. I was recently falling behind in some classes, and could use it. I'm usually a perfect, straight A student, but, shit, I just couldn't keep it up this year, and my parents were gonna kill me. 

And so, I went with miss halter, and two other volunteers, Madison and Zane, to a room in the back of the office.

Miss halter smiled at us " thank you guys for helping. I know its a big task"

I smiled sweetly. " its no problom"

My mom always said I do this to teachers, but hey, they like you more, the more polite, and well behaved and perfect you are. At least, that's what my mom always tells me. 

Miss halter turned on a computer. It had different videos on it, that looked like live footage. "I'm gonna be right back" she said." Can you just make sure there... Not doing anything?"

We nodded, and she left.

I click one of the images. A caption says " Demeter" 

I look at it. There are plants. Everywhere. Floor to ceiling. When did they even have time to move all that stuff in? On one bed, two girls are looking at a magazine titled " gardens and ghouls. Demeters guide to gardens and other Olympus stuff"

I snort..good titling, am I right? 

A few other kids are fawning over some plants on a table, and on one of the bunk beds, two people are making out. A few another kids are looking at them annoyed. One throws something at them. They don't stop. I recognize one of them as either Connor or Travis. I'm not sure. They look the same. On the bed above them, rose is reading a book, apparently not bothered by them. Impressive.

She used to go here. She was always pretty quite, never had any friends, didn't really talk to anyone. It had been a normal English class. She was looking out the window, not paying attention. Suddenly, A girl burst in. She was a cheerleader. she smirked at rose evily. Rose looked scared, and confused. Suddenly, the cheerleader jumped at her. She shrieked, jumping away. The cheerleader fought back, and next thing I knew, they were falling out the window. We all thought for sure she died. I mean, we were on the second floor! We all ran to the window. All that was left was a pile of gold dust and... A bush? I could have sworn that hadn't been there before.

After that, she never came back. The police investigated it, but found nothing. For some reason, her dad kept pushing off the search, saying they should just stop. In the end, we never heard of it, until last year. 

On the news, we saw a video of her pushing a kid into a burning building. She was screaming " you start it, you put it out valdez!" 

They never found his body, assuming he was dead, but, here he was! It was all confusing. Until now.

Somehow, this thing called the mist had fallen, and now we, mortals, could see all this stuff for real. The gods were hiding up in Olympus, not making any contact with people. 

Now we were stuck with them. They were dangerous. Would probably leap out and kill us any second. Oh god, how I regret taking up this. What did I get myself into?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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