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Percy POV

I sighed. It had been two weeks since demigod had been discovered.  For some reason, the government thought we were " dangerous " . I didn't really get why. I mean, after all we went through, don't you think we deserved better? I hadn't even gotten to see my mom since we got captured. We were now being led into Arronsville high, a school in Maryland.

A guy, who I assumed was a cop, stared at us intently, as we walked in a single file line, as if expecting us to attack any second. The doors open, and we go in.

The halls are pretty empty, except for a few kids racing to get to class on time, who look at us nervously. We walk down the hall, and are led to a big auditorium. 

We are told to stand in a line by the stage, and wait for our name to be called.Finally, it gets to J, and I go up.

The guy, principle I'm assuming, gives me a blue bandana thing. I look at annabeth confused. She rolls her eyes, and holds up her wrist, which has a grey one tied around it.

I nod, and tie mine. The names keep getting called, each person getting a different one based of of their cabin. 

The thing goes on for a while. ( sorry! I wasn't paying attention to what this is!)there are some mortal students in the seats, some bored, some looking nervous. At a ceirten point, they call up rose walker, A Demeter kid. most people in the audience gasp, looking up with surprise. I don't get it, but my attention is torn away as the principal stands up andturns to us. 

" hello. My name is Mr Werner. I am the principal ( yes! I got it!) here, and we are......glad( he doesn't sound like it) to have you here." He puts on a very obviously fake smile. "You all will be attending classes here, under supervision, of course. You'll be in rooms based of of your... Parent. Any children of minor gods will be put into the same group, but will have several rooms." Someone mutters " ethan" .

I frown, sad to remember him.

Mr Werner continues" the students here" he motions to the kids in the seats" will be helping you adjust. You'll be decided into groups, and those people will be in your classes. I will see you later" with that, he walks of the stage. A guy turns the screen on. 

I find my name, and my group is me, Annabeth ( yay!) Reyna, Nico,will, Jason, piper, magnus, alex, frank, hazel, Rose, Leo, the Stolls, and uch. Why! The fates must hate me. Octavian. Oh well, the rest of my group is good.

---------------time skip

 Were in history, which is also our homeroom. The teacher, A young woman with brown hair and eyes, who is wearing a white t shirt and jeans, introduces herself as Ms. halter. She tells us to sit in a circle, and introduce ourselves, and the mortals too. 

The introductions go normally, until we get to rose. Grumbling, she introduces herself. 

" hey! " one of the mortal kids exclaims" I remember you! You killed those cheerleaders, then you just disappeared!" 

The others murmur in agreement. 

" well", A girl says " now we know why!"

Rose rolls her eyes. 

"Yeah, and then you were on the knees cause you pushed that kid into a burning building!" she points to leo. 

"Meh." Rose says  "he started it."

"Well" ,ms halter interrupts. " lets move on." 

Authors note

Ok! Sorry its so short! ill try to update soon! Sorry it so bad lol. This idea has been in my mind for a while, and I just felt like writing it down lol. Its sort of based of my school, I just changed teachers names around a bit, and stuff like that, the town is fictional too.

Ok. Don't kill me, but, no Caleo or jasper. Its after tOo, but Jason didn't die. Piper here is dating shel, but she's not with them ( science she's mortal) Ok. Bye guys! Thanks for reading it!❤

                                                                       - annabethandalex.

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