Chapter Seventeen

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Yay! I can finally update! And watch One Piece <3

What Emilee's dress will look like is on the side >>

Warning, there is some sexual stuff at the end of the chapter. 

17. Dresses and Serious Talks


When I woke up the next morning, Christopher was MIA. That meant that there was no opportunity for me to tell him about the message. I was kicking myself all the way through the methods of getting dressed for becoming distracted the night before. He was going to be so annoyed at me when I told him that I forgot all about it.

            Who just forgets something that could aid in a war? And these people wanted me to be a freaking queen!

            “Good morning Emilee,” Edith said as I walked into the private lounge where most of the royals ate.

            “Good morning back, Edie. Where’s Ellen?”

            The princess’ face fell. “She’s locked herself up in her room. Simon still hasn’t come back from his mission, and with all this talk of war she’s… Well. She’s very worried.”

            Let them know when you see them next that we have their captain, and we will not give him back until they hand over the Terethium crystal.”

            Holy fudge monkeys, how did I not see this before?

            My eyes were probably as wide as saucers as I jumped up and sprinted out of the room at my top speed. I had to find the king before something bad happened to Ellen’s mate. I can’t believe I didn’t make the connection between the two when I was in the alley!

            Ben had Simon captive!

            “King Edward,” I cried as I burst into the throne room. He jerked awake from his throne and wiped some drool from his mouth. “Were you… sleeping on your throne?”

            He nodded his head vigorously. “Of course. What would happen if I went to bed at a time like this? Someone could steal it!”

            “Okaaay…” And people thought I was crazy. “I forgot to tell you something really important, Your Highness. Benjamin Ivory, the leader of PURE, gave me a message to give you when we met the other day.”

            “And what message is that?” the king asked, instantly serious.

            I took in a deep breath. “That he will not return the captain of the royal army until you give them the… the tereninumn crystal?” I paused, trying to think of the name. “Terethilum? Terenithim?”

            “Terethium,” he mumbled while I blabbered.

            “That’s it! Terenimum!”

            “Close enough.” Deja vu much? “Why didn’t you inform me of this sooner?”

            I blushed. “I was doing… stuff…”

            He sent me a stern look that I’d never seen before. “Well, don’t let it happen again. Now I must go and consult my generals. This is a very grave matter. Mac, guard my throne.”

They Were Expecting A Lady, Instead They Met Me (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now