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Okay. This is the epilogue. 

(cue the loud, depressed sobbing)

I have to inform all of you that this is DEFINITELY the last book in the ChristopherxEmilee series. There will be no third book.

Thank you all for sticking with me this far. It's been over four years since I started writing this series. I can't believe it's over. 

If it wasn't for the constant comments of encouragement from you guys, this book would have never been finished. I am so grateful to all of you. 

So, thank you times a bezillion. Know that all of you have played a part in the creation of this series. 

My next focus will be on finishing my other book 'The Art of Courting'. After that I will get started on a new series. I'm not sure what it will be yet- I have a lot on standby right now- but I'd love for you all to check it out eventually!

I'll post a note soon about what bonus chapters and joint stories I may write, so stay tuned for that :)

And again, thank you for reading. May the smurfs be with you always. 




The twins were born in late May.

            I don’t want to talk about the labor. It’s an experience I filed in the back of my mind forever and ever. Let’s just say that it lasted for over three days.

            I seriously almost died. It felt like a dinosaur was clawing out of my place of rainbows and flowers. TWICE.

            The first-born was my son, with curly blonde hair and eyes like the finest emerald. He was the splitting image of his wimpy father, who passed out twice while he was making his entrance into the world. 

            Luckily for me, his sister came easier. She was small like I was as a baby- not nine pounds something like her giant sibling- but her coloring was the same as Christopher’s. Blonde hair. Green eyes.

            You have no idea the anger I felt when I realized that they had inherited nothing from me. I had carried them for OVER TEN MONTHS and they came out looking JUST LIKE THEIR FATHER.


            Obviously I loved them like any mother would love their children- more than I thought I could love anything in the world. I didn’t even care that I had to clean up their poop and pee, or that they vomited on me on a daily basis.

            Okay, that was a lie. The vomiting definitely scarred me for life.

            But even though giving birth hurt like nothing I’d ever felt before, I still did it two more times. After the forth I was so done that I ordered Christopher to castrate himself half way through labor.

            And then he fainted, like he did all the other times.

            In the end, we had a family of four children. Our oldest was named Crown Prince Nicolas Edward Christopher Nyx, after the man who gave up his arm for me. We usually just called him Nico. His twin sister was Princess Madeleine Agnes Emiliana Nyx, and she was like a tiny angel. I swear to god I must have accidently had sex with a model or something cause she was too pretty to be Christopher’s and mine.

            The last two were another girl and boy. Princess Isabelle Juliet Talisa Nyx, or just Belle, looked exactly like me but with the same hair and eyes as her siblings. She also inherited my awesome personality, though Christopher says that she’s a little bit mellower. But what does he know?

            Finally, my last son who was so difficult to squeeze out that I was ready to grab my husband’s you-know-what and borrow James’ butcher knife to- LET’S NOT GO THERE. Those were dark times for everyone.

            Prince Tobias Oliver Jason Nyx, who we called Jace to avoid confusion, was a bit of an accident (we’d only really wanted three kids) but he was my greatest triumph. With a crop of black hair, my mother’s Latino features and my dad’s moonbeam eyes, he was all my side of the family. The mini me I was waiting for. He was small too, which was why it was so weird that he was so hard to give birth to, and slight like his grandfather.

            I genuinely believed that we were the perfect little vampire family. Well, besides the fact that we fought each other daily about minor things and usually destroyed rooms when it came to revenge…

            Right. If you overlooked a few defects, we were totally perfect.

            “MILEE! BELLE DYED MY HAIR BLUE! SHE’S ONLY FOUR, WHO TAUGHT HER HOW TO DYE PEOPLE’S HAIR?” Excuse me from my monologue for a second.



They Were Expecting A Lady, Instead They Met Me (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now