Chapter Twenty One

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On the side is the cover from my competition that came second! It's a great effort, and I really love the attention to detail! Thank you, Karoliina!

There are tons of anime references in this chapter (mainly of One Piece) and a little bit of Japanese that will be translated at the end. I've put the website to watch One Piece in the external link if anyone is interested! Luffy is really like a male, slightly awesomer version of Emilee so I'm sure a lot of you will like it! I mean, it's my life sooo.... Check it out!!

21. The Royal Princess Academy of Salvinya


We drove all the way to the airport where I took a plane to this school-thingy I was going to. It turned out that I wouldn’t even get a chance to rest or anything; I would just go straight into my first day and tour the school. This was all because my flight was overnight (and because I was a vampire they expected me to be able to run on no sleep).

            They were going to get a major wakeup call.

            When I exited the plane I was on a private runway that lead to a stunning building. It was an architectural masterpiece made entirely of glass- a glass palace. But it was smaller than I expected, only two stories, and the reception that came to greet me when I walked in was just as tiny.

            “Good morning,” a rich voice greeted. “My name is Headmistress Cassiopeia. You must be Princess Emiliana of Astria.”

            I shuffled my feet awkwardly. “Um, yeah.”

            The woman, who was dressed in an elegant silk gown, clicked her tongue loudly. “Now, girl, stand up straight and give clear answers. A simple yes should be enough, though ‘yes, Headmistress’ is preferred.”

            I stayed silent, completely confused.

            “Well, go on!”

            “… Yes, Headmistress.” It sounded like a question.

            “Hmmm… That have will do for now.” The woman- or Headmistress, as I should say- turned with a flourish and indicated to the nine finely dress girls behind her. They varied in ages, though none were over around twenty-five. “These are your only classmates, with whom you will share your general lessons with. Though each student is at a different level of development, our Academy always has joint classes.”

            I totally understood that. Not. A drunken parrot made more sense than this weird alien chick. She looked like an older and uglier version of Princess Leia.

            “I will go in order of the time the girls have been here. First is Princess Charmaine of Aryanlik.” A pretty girl with brown hair curtseyed at me. “Then there are Princess Bernadette of Ivanorl and Princess Valeriana of Draconia.”

The next two weren’t very pretty. In fact, the first was so hideous that she was hard to look at the. The second had pupils like a snake and creeped me out a ton.

“After them came Princess Kailia of Tyracen, Princess Thalisa of Ocennily and Princess Ianna-Lily of Aoinia.” These three were amazingly different. One had hair that was evenly divided into three colors- red, green, white and blue- while another dressed in a short skirt and two starfish covering her boobs (those poor starfish). The last looked like a drugged up hippy- she was even barefoot.

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