Chapter 32

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"Good morning," I reply, lifting my head to meet his eyes.

For a moment, nothing else exists. Just us. But then, reality intrudes in the form of my ringing phone. I reluctantly slip out of his embrace and answer.


"Hey Mia. We've found Mike's trace. He's no longer on the move," she says, urgency in her voice.

I glance at Spike and give him a small nod. It's time.

Spike and I dress quickly, brushing aside any romantic notions of lingering after that moment. There's no time for love-struck pauses now. We grab our things, rush to the car, and set off, determined to finish what we started.

"He's about thirty kilometers south," I tell Spike. "Step on it."

He doesn't hesitate, the roar of the engine swallowing the tension between us. My mind's a whirlwind, a storm trying to settle, but focus keeps slipping. My fingers tap a nervous rhythm against my thigh until Spike takes my hand, steadying it by placing it on his leg.

"We're going to finish this, Mia," he promises, his voice low, deadly serious. "Once and for all."

It's all I've wanted for so long.

We pull up to a hulking abandoned building. Windowless. Desolate. One entrance. Spike wraps his cloak tight and darts towards the door with me right behind him.

"You won't be able to hurt him," I murmur as we approach. "It'll cost you too much."

"I'll take the risk," he responds, a growl deep in his throat. There's no hesitation in his voice, only resolve.

We break down the door.

Inside, Mike stands waiting, as if he's known this moment would come all along. His smile is slow and cold. Something's different about him-his blackened eyes, the malevolent aura rolling off him like smoke. He's not human anymore.

"So, you've finally come, darling," Mike says, his voice thick with dark glee. "I've been waiting."

"Good," I hiss, barely containing my rage. "Let's finish this."

"In a hurry?" he laughs, dark and mocking.

Before I can blink, his hand snaps forward, and Spike is flung against the far wall, crumpling like a ragdoll. It tears at me to see him like that, but I can't afford the luxury of concern. Not now. After confirming he's breathing, I push forward, my wings exploding from my back in a blaze of light as I charge at Mike. He sidesteps at the last second, spinning to land a punch that hits my stomach like a brick. But it only ignites my fury, my need to end this.

"Your friend liked torturing boys who hurt women. Funny, he's the one who can't protect you now," Mike sneers, glancing toward Spike.

"The good thing is," I say, my voice low, eyes glowing white-hot, "I don't need protection anymore."

My kick sends Mike flying, slamming into the floor with a crash. But he just laughs-a chilling, unsettling sound. His body contorts, dark shadows curling around him like armor.

"This time, it's the end, Mia," he taunts. "I thought I needed you in my life, but I was wrong. What I need is your death."

"Go ahead and try," I challenge, wings spreading wide.

The fight is a blur of power-blows and spells ricocheting between us. Mike's dark magic twists and writhes, but none of it can pierce the divine shield that protects me. He doesn't seem surprised by that. I dodge his strikes, moving faster than thought, but then he vanishes, slipping into the shadows, disappearing behind a wall.

I follow cautiously, entering a maze of poorly lit passages. I pause, focusing on my senses-listening, smelling, searching for him. Then I hear it, his voice snaking into my mind.

This is the final battle, darling. For both of us.

"This battle," I whisper back, "you cannot win."

I catch his scent and move in silence, cornering him behind a pillar. With a surge of strength, I grab him, hauling him toward the ceiling. We hover, ten meters above the ground, and I tilt my head, letting my voice drip with finality.

"It's over, Mike."

"Oh yeah?" he snarls.

Before I can react, he pulls a dagger from his cloak. I try to dodge, but the blade pierces my stomach. Pain explodes through me, and I scream.

"MIA!" Spike's voice echoes below.

I lose control, my wings faltering, and Mike and I plummet, tumbling through the air. The ground rushes up to meet us, but I manage to slow the fall just enough to survive. As we crash, I feel Mike's weight pressing down, his strength unrelenting. He tries to drive the blade into me again, but then a blur of motion tears him away.


He's back on his feet, and he grabs Mike, yanking him off me. They struggle, fists flying, but Spike has the upper hand now. The dagger slips from Mike's grasp, landing near me. My hand finds it, and I stand, unsteady but determined.

Mike's wild eyes lock onto mine, madness swirling in their depths.

"Do it!" he screams, voice cracking. "GO ON!"

"I won't need to be asked twice," I reply, my voice cold as steel.

I step forward, clutching the dagger. Each step brings me closer to the end of this nightmare. Spike holds Mike steady, and I meet my tormentor's gaze, seeing the reflection of his defeat.

"Enjoy hell, Mike," I whisper.

With one swift motion, I drive the blade into his heart. His life drains away in front of me, and all I feel is relief. I don't move until his smile fades, his body going limp. The dagger clatters to the ground as Spike releases him, letting his lifeless form fall.

For a moment, I stare at the body, the finality of it sinking in. Then, as if all the weight in the world crashes down, I fall to my knees, tears blurring my vision.

"It's over," I murmur through choked sobs. "It's finally over."

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