Chapter 4: Revealing Answers

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Katniss' POV:

" Peeta, are you ready to go?" I yell.

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm just trying to find something." He yells back. What is he looking for? He's always so organized, what's taking him so long to find?

"Find what?" I say as I enter Peeta's and I's bedroom, leaning against the doorframe.

"......This! Found it!" He says his voice filled with excitement. I laugh.

" What are you-" I'm cut off by Peeta pinning something on my shirt. It's my mockingjay pin.

" I haven't worn this old thing in ages. How'd you find it?" I ask Peeta.

He laughs. " I looked in your jewelry box, brainless." He jokes.

"That reminds me... Have you heard from Johanna lately? I mean the last time we talked was like 14 years ago!" I laugh.

"I haven't. I bet she'll be at the meeting tomorrow. She's probably already on the train since it takes longer to get there from 7." He says, matter-of-fact-ly.

"Oh, okay. Thanks for finding this." I say pointing at my pin. "Are you ready to go?" I ask.

"You are very welcome and yes we shall go." Peeta says like a Capitol gentlemen.

"Let's go say bye to the kids." I say with a pout.

"They will be fine, Kat. I promise." He says coming down the steps behind me.

" Willow! Rye! Come here, please!" I yell so they can hear me.

They come into the room. "Mom! Dad! Do you have to go!" Whines Willow like a little child.

"Yes, Willow. Look, we will be back soon. "Peeta says seriously.

"We will miss you! See you soon." I say while blowing them kisses while getting into the car to go to the train station.


"We are finally here?" I say, more as a question than a statement because I'm half asleep.

"Yes, Kat. We are here." Peeta confirms.

"Okay. So now we have to get out of the train." I say dozing off and on.

"Yes, Kat." Peeta says in his calm voice.

"Okay. Peeta, now that I think about it, I might have to dye my hair just to look recognizable." I say still tired.

"What do you mean?" He asks, concerned.

"I mean these kids. They are giving me gray hairs!" I say waking up a little bit more.

He laughs. " Kat, you don't know, the effect you can have." Peeta says, quoting what he said years ago. I smile.

"What?" I ask, not understanding why he said that.

"You are the most beautiful wife I could ever dream of and even if you had gray hairs, which you don't, I would not love you less." He says. Aww. He's so sweet.

"Thank you, the most loving and caring person who has ever stood on this earth who I also call my wonderful husband." I say.

"Well, let's go to that meeting, shall we?" He asks.

"We shall." I say, smiling.


"Okay. Now that everyone is here, we should get down to business." President Paylor says, emotionless. Oh, no.

"So... Since we have the last quell request at our fingertips, we are going to continue the last quell and final Hunger Games." She says.

"Okay. So what's the plan?" I ask.

"Well..." Paylor starts.

------end of meeting------

"Hey, Johanna!" I say, as I greet her.

"Hey, Kat. How are you and lover boy?" She jokes.

"We're great. We actually have two children now. How about you?" I ask. Everyone by now has gathered around to talk about life.

"Well... I have a daughter!" She says. Wait... WHAT?!?

"WHAT?!? When did this happen? Who's the father?" I say, interrogating her.

"Woah, woah. Slow down, Turbo!" She says. Everybody has heard and is wondering the same thing I am.

"Well.... TELL US!!!" I demand.

"Okay, okay. Well she's a beautiful, bold 13 year old. Her father..." She trails off.

"Her father, what?" Peeta asks.

"Her father is Chaff. From District 11. Remember him from the 3rd quell?" She asks.

I nod. "How is he the father? He died years before, what's her name?" I ask.

"Jamaica Keeta. I know, I know. Some bartender decided to put his blood into my drink one time and then I had 'Maica'." She explains.

"Oh, that's.....I don't know?" I question myself.

"Do you want me to show you a picture of her?" She asks.

Everyone agrees. She turns on one of the televisions and it just happens to be on Jamaica. She's talking about Johanna and how it is to live with her.

"She's gorgeous, Jo." I gush.

" I know. She gets it from me." Johanna jokes.

I laugh. "Hey Jo, do you want to stay at our place for a while. Annie can come too." I invite them.

"Sure. I need to go home and get Finn though." Annie says.

"I'm in. I just need to get Maica." Jo says.

"Okay. So both of you will be in 12 tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yup. I better get going. Nice seeing you all again." Annie says.

"See you, Kat." Jo says.

"Bye." I say as I get into the District 12 train.

"So, we have company tomorrow?" Says Peeta.

"Yup. The kids will love it!" I say.

I wonder if the kids will get along...

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