Chapter 11: Jealousy? Jealousy.

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Rye's POV:

Okay. Today is the second day of training and I have a plan. Since Maica made me jealous yesterday, it's gonna come right back at her.


We all get into the elevator and we stop at Maica's level.   

She walks in and looks at me. I avoid her stare and look at the ground until we stop again.

We pick up Finn and Annie and head to the training center. Luckily, I checked the time before we left snd we were twenty minutes early.

We get to the  training room and I immediately go to where the District 2 girl. She's very attractive' so that will make Maica jealous.

"Hey." I say, charmingly.

"Hey, Hottie." She says back, equally as charming, while looking me up and down.

We start talking about each others lives and we keep complimenting the other until I look over to see Maica staring at us. I smirk.

     "Is something wrong?" 2 says, placing her hands on my chest, playing with the fabric.

     "No. Nothing's wrong." I say, ignoring what she's doing.

     "Okay. I'll take your word for it." She says, leaning into my ear.

     "But if you are hiding something from me," she says, pulling out a little throwing knife. "it will get worse than this." She says, threatening me.

     "Worse than what?" I whisper, in her ear.

     "This," she says, evilly, stabbing the little knife in my side. I wince.

     "Okay. I'm not hiding anything." I say, trying to hide my pain.

     "Good." She says, leaning back and walking away.

      I walk away from the station she was at and start walking to willow to help me with this cut.

     Someone stops me from doing so, and the pain gets worse by the second.

     "Do you need something!?!" I ask, urgently to get to Willow, so she can fix this. I turn around and see the person I never thought I'd see right now.

     "Maica." I say, confused.

     "Yeah. It's me. But I don't need anything. You do." She says, motioning to e cut. It had started bleeding, badly.

      "I guess, I was getting Willow to fix it." I said to her.

     "What would she do about it? She can't handle blood and that kind of stuff. I'll do it." She says, taking us to the first aid center. Oddly, no one is there working.

     "What are you going to do to it?" I ask her.

     "Clean it up, put stitches on it, put a bandage over the stitches." She says, cleaning off a sewing needle.

     "Have you done this before?" I ask, nervously.

     "Shut up, brainless. I got it. Sit still." She says, coming over to the seat I'm in. She sets down the needle and thread and looks at me.

      "Well..." She says, looking at me, expectantly.

     "Well, what?" I ask, giving her the same look she gave me.

     "Really, brainless." She mumbles, walking over to me.

     "Put your arms up!" She says, annoyed. She is Johanna Mason's daughter, isn't she?!

     "Okay." I say, following her instructions.

     I put my arms up and she, gently, pulls up my shirt, leaving me shirtless.

     I blush. She puts the blood-stained shirt in the sink and comes back over to me.

     "Okay. Let's get you fixed up." She says, focusing on my side.

     I nod. She leans over and starts cleaning the cut. I wince.

     "Sorry." She apologizes.

     "It's fine." I say, giving a convincing smile.

     She smiles, focusing on the wound, yet again.

    I smile. She is so caring.

Willow's POV:

     I'm training at the District 7 layout and the District 5 boy comes and stands right beside me.

     "Hey, Cutie." He says, glancing at me.

     "Hi?" I say back, confused. Doesn't he know I'm with Finn? I guess not...

      "Hey," He says, grabbing my wrists. "you know we could be something. Something more than allies. More than friends. Like, this." He stops, and starts leaning in.

     I don't have enough time stop him. Our lips crash into one another's.

     This is disgusting! I pull away and before I can slap him, I see Finn in the corner of my eye, looking hurt.

     I slap 5 in the face and push him away from me. He follows me as I walk to Finn.

     Finn looks mad at me but, also proud. Why?

     Finn stomps up to 5 and squarely punches him in the face, hard. Luckily, no trainers saw the fight, so he wouldn't get in trouble.

     5's nose starts bleeding and he looks confused.

     "Stay away from my girlfriend." Finn yells at 5.

     "She's your girlfriend!!!! How could she be? Your rude and violent and--" he's cut off by someone punching his jaw. It was the boy tribute from 2.

    "IM WITH ODAIR!!!" He yells.

     "YEAH! GO ODAIR!!!" A tribute from 3 yells. Everyone chooses sides and then the sides and the guys start to fight.

                                               This is a mess!

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