Chapter 1

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^^^^^pic of Sanaya^^^^^

Sanaya Ambani's POV

"Sany." My cousin Kalika called me. Oh God,how I hate that nickname. I didn't answer.

"Sany." She called again but I still remained silent.

"Sanaya!" She literally screamed. "I'm in here." I replied before she could call again.

A very pissed Kalika stood at my room door with both hands on her hips. "Did you not hear me calling you?" She asked with annoyance in her voice.

"The last I checked my name was Sanaya. San-aa-ya. Not Sany." I replied. She rolled her eyes and took a seat next to me on my bed." And why are you so loud for 17?"

"Why are you so deaf for 23?" She asked mimicking me.

"Because my cousin constantly screams in my ears." I retorted.

"Whatever. Cācā wanted to see you in his study." I frowned. "Did he say what for?" I asked but she shook her head. "No. He didn't. But it seem urgent."

"Okay." I said getting up from the bed and made my way to papa's study. What could he possibly want? I knocked softly on the door of his study.

"Andara ā'i'ē." His commanding voice said. I slowly opened the door and went in. My papa and mama were seated in his study. Papa, on his high and mighty 'throne', as Kalika and I call it, and mama seated next to him. I took the seat opposite of them. There was a long awkward (at least it was for me) silence. Then papa spoke up.

"Sanaya, 2 years ago, a good friend of mine and I had an agreement," He started. "You will be moving to New York and marry his son Nikos Peris." He said.

WHAT!?!?!? My mouth fell slightly open. I know who Nikos Peris is, I just haven't met him in person. Just what I've read on the internet. Which was not good. He's a Greek tycoon and playboy! He's with a different girl each week! And they want me to get married to him!?!? But I knew better. I knew that I had to agree. I was never the rebellious type and never defied my parents. I was always obedient, always did what they told me.

"Haan papa." I said looking down. My life is officially screwed.

"Your flight leaves tomorrow. Go and start packing." He said and I shook my head in response. I looked at mama but she looked away, so I slowly got up and walked back to my room.

"You will be moving to New York and marry his son Nikos Peris." His words played over and over in my head like a broken CD.

When I got to my room, Kalika was sitting on my bed playing on her phone. I closed the door and pressed my back against it, sliding down, sitting on the floor.
Kali looked down at me and frowned.

"What happened?" She asked.

"My life got screwed over." I said with a sigh. "Oh, by the way, I'm going to New York! Yay......!" I said sarcastically.

"New York??? Why?" She questioned.

"I have an arranged marriaged with Nikos Peris. " I sighed.

"Nikos.......NIKOS PERIS!?!?" She scream jumping off the bed. Her eyes look like they would pop out.

"You lucky little.....Do you know how many girls would kill just to take your place? And you're here moping and sighing and being sad!" She said walking over to me and held out her hand.

"Well they can take my place 'cause I don't want it." I mumbled. I took her hand and she helped me up.

"When are you leaving?"

I sighed. "Tomorrow."

"Come on you have to go pack. I'll help you." She said walking over to my closet.

For the rest of the day I just packed and talked with Kali. When we were done, we just laughed and talked and that took my mind off things until tomorrow.


Cācā - Uncle
Andara ā'i'ē - Come In
Hām - Yes


Ta Da!

First Chapter!

Mark down the date:

On August 7th 2015 the first chapter of The Indian Princess was published.

Please leave your feedbacks on the chapter.

Lots of love





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