Chapter 4

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There's no need to fear!

Chapter 4 is here! xD

I know I'm a horrible person for letting you all wait soooooo long for an update, but, I have great news!

I am now on my final year of college and I am also back in India so I will have more time to UPDATE!😊

In other news, my highschool stalker has returned. I've watched a lot of movies about stalkers and they all end badly, should I be scared?

I see Emma as Gigi Hadid because they're both fierce, independent women😊.

Sanaya's POV

I woke up to the bright sun shining in through my bedroom window.

I went over to the window, and instead of being greeted by an expanse of Indian land, I was greeted by skyscrapers and tons of buildings.

I'll never get used to this.

I heard the sound of music coming through my bedroom walls. So, I decided to go investigate.

Nikos was up, fully dressed in a crisp, white T-shirt and dark blue jeans, looking absolutely amazing, while I was dressed embarrassingly in nothing but a plain T-shirt, Sally Bollywood pajama pants, barefooted and my hair a complete mess.

(Note: I don't know if I'm the only one, but I love cartoons and Sally Bollywood is my absolute favorite. I don't know if there are actual Sally Bollywood pajama pants, but if there are, I need one.)

The music seemed to be coming from inside the walls themselves and flooded the whole house with an upbeat tune.

Emma did say that this was a smart house.

Nikos hadn't seemed to have hear me come in, for he continued to make breakfast while humming along to the  song.

I took a seat on one of the kitchen stools and watched him as he cooked. He was so perfect with the morning sun reflecting off of his tan skin, giving it a golden glow. Only two words could describe him right now: absolutely dreamy.

He started dancing to the beat of the song, and I struggled to hold in my laughter. It was comical to watch this Alpha male dancing animatedly as if he was the most carefree person in the world.

He did a little spin, and finally realized that I was watching him this whole time. He turned down the music and narrowed his eyes at me while his cheeks reddened as I bursted out laughing.

"When did you wake up?" He mumbled grumpily, going back to whatever he was making. Aw, he's embarrased. How cute.

"A few minutes ago." I replied sweetly whilst he rolled his eyes.

"You will speak of this to no one." He tried to be threatening, but it only ended with me in another fit of laughter for all I could see were his cute little dance moves.

"There will be no breakfast for you this morning then." He grumbled, while placing a plate of food infront of me.

I stared at the food in my plate which I recognized as pancakes.

"What, you've never eaten pancakes before?" Nikos snickered but I gave him a look.

He almost choked on air.

"Holy shit, you've never eaten pancakes before?"

I shook my head no.

"Don't they have pancakes in India?" I shot him a glare.

"What we call pancakes in India are a little different from your American pancakes. But yes, these types of pancakes in India were available for purchase if you'd like." He continued to look at me as if I've grown two heads.

"I don't see what the big deal is. Here, if it makes you feel better I will eat the pancake." I picked up a piece with my fork and put it in my mouth. "See? Oh my God- these are actually very good." A large smile spread across Nikos' face.

"Now you know what you've been missing out on." He started to eat his food while I devoured my pancakes. But not literally devoured, I still remebered my manners.

Once we were finished eating, Nikos said,

"Go get dressed into something nice. I'm taking you for a tour of New York-"

He did not get to finish his statement for mg excitement got the best of me and I dashed out of the room to get dressed.

I took a quick shower and settled on wearing a simple white blouse and blue ripped jeans.

When I got back downstairs, Nikos was on the phone by the elevator door. He spoke in a foreign language and sounded angry. His tone was harsh as he spoke in the foreign tongue and his power and dominance filled the room and basically choked all who were inferior.

He looked up at me and quickly ended the call. He came over to me with a smile.

"You look beautiful." I blushed at his flattery and gasped when he bent down and gave me another kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go." He pulled me towards the elevator.

When we got downstairs, there was a car waiting for us outside. A driver held the door to a sleek black ferrari for us.

I looked out the car window at the people bustling about as the driver pulled off.

"Have you ever been to New York before?"

"No. This is my first time in America." He broke into a huge smile.

"Then that just makes this all the more fun."

He spoke animatedly, telling me the name of streets and buildings while I listened as he spoke with such pride and passion. It seems he was very proud of this city.

Suddenly, the car pulled ovee to the side of the road.

"We're walking from here on."

We got out of the car and joined the bustle of people walking busily along the streets of New York.

"Sanaya, welcome to Times Square."

I marvelled at the beauty around me. Everything was just so surreal and overwhelming, I thought I would pass out from it all.

"Let the tour begin." And with that, Nikos and I locked arms and joined the large crowd.



How are you all feeling today?

And did you like the update?

I'm sorry this couldn't have been a more detailed chapter, but I myself, have never been to America before. I've been to Canada though so that has to count for something right?😊

Chapter 5 will be posted soon and I promise this time, I will not disappear for centuries😂

And I've gotten to 5k reads😁😁😁 Thank you guys so much for that, you have no idea how excited that makes me😄

I made an Instagram😊😊😊
So please follow me @iamainagupta

Please continue to vote and share on my book, and please remember that Aina loves you all😙

xoxo A❤

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