Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to nilani5. She's the one who inspired me to update. You go girl!


Sanaya's POV

To say I was nervous was an understatement.

I was a gigantic bundle of nerves with a parade of butterflies stuck inside.

Damn, what do I do?

This would be so much easier if my potential husband was Indian.

I shook the thought out of my head and focused on the awkward matter at hand.

Do I stand and wait for him to come in, or do I go to him, or?

Nikos was on his phone and walking further into the penthouse.

Deciding on what to do, and since he hadn't seen me as yet, I dived into the sofa and grabbed the nearest book. Pride and Prejudice, nice.

I opened the book and started reading, from chapter five.

I looked up out of the book and at Nikos who was just getting off his phone. I took the opportunity to "formally take in his appearance".

His black hair, that was perfect this morning was now messy and everywhere. His forehead was creased together in frustration.He had ditched the suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt and undid the top buttons, exposing his perfectly toned chest. His tie was also undone.

I may hate my current situation with him, but this guys a Greek God!

Well, he is Greek but, he's hot!

Stop it Sanaya.

"Like what you see?" Nikos' deep voice dragged me out of my little mind rant. I blushed and looked away.

"I was just observing the view of the city." I retorted lamely, burying my face into the book. Hey, there was a magnificent view of New York behind him. But that's not what I was looking at.

"Mhmm." I heard him say before walking out.

I groaned and slapped my forehead. Great going Ambani, now he thinks you're creepy! I huffed and sank back into the couch.

I decided to scroll through my instagram. Hmmm. Same ol', same ol'. New followers, comments, likes and annoying posts. However, one new follower caught my eyes.

therealemmajackson has started following you. 20m ago.

I smiled to myself and clicked on her page. I immediately followed back and turned on post notification.

I was scrolling through her pictures-liking every one like the clingy friend I am- when Nikos came back. He plopped down, literally, next to me in the sofa and turned on the TV. Football was on. I continued reading my book because unless it's World Cup, I will NEVER watch football.

I once again, "formally took in Nikos' appearance". His hair was wet, probably just showered and he had changed. He was now wearing a white T-shirt that clung to his body, defining his muscles-ehem, I mean he wore a white T-shirt and jeans.

I noticed the small smirk on Nikos' face and huffed. He saw me again.

I pulled the book back up to my face, completely burying my face into it. I heard Nikos chuckle and I inwardly scowled.

When he was done making fun of me, he folded both arms behind his head and put his legs up on the coffee table. I looked up out if my book and glared at his feet.

"A coffee table is for coffee, not feet." I informed.

"I know." He replied dismissively. I still glared at his feet that were still on the table. I wanted to say something else about it but Mrs. Walker, the helper came in and said.

"Sir, dinner is ready."

"I'll be right there Maria." Nikos replied. I inwardly smiled when he took down his feet and stood up. "Let's go. You must be hungry, no?"

I smiled and got up. Straightening my dress, I followed him into the dining area. Mrs. Walker was setting out dinner. Nikos and I sat across from each other. I had to stop myself from pigging out, the food was so good!

After we finished eating in silence, Nikos and I had returned to the living area. His feet were back up on the table and I was reading a new novel. SeaSide Romance. But soon, I got tired of reading and I was watching football.

"Tell me about yourself."

"Huh?" I turned my attention away from the guy on the TV who was injured and turned to Nikos.

"Tell me about yourself." He repeated.

"Oh, well um. I'm Sanaya Ambani but of course you already know that. I'm 23, I live with my parents and my cousin, Kalika Kapoor. And....uhh....I've lived in India my entire life." I said.

Nikos looked at me expectantly.


"That's it?"

"Well, yeah." I said.

"Well, you're life's boring." He chuckled.

I gasped. "Is not. I've done some pretty.....interesting....stuff." I defended.

"Really? How about you tell me about some of the interesting stuff." He challenged turning to face me.

We spent the next few hours talking and laughing. I learned a lot about Nikos. He's not that bad. I also learned that I absolutely love his Greek accent. And that it deepens the more serious he becomes. But it's not time for me to become creepy Sanaya now. I guess this whole thing will be fun after all.

"Well, I better get to bed." I said looking at the time. It was almost 12.

"Yeah, goodnight." Nikos kissed me on the cheek before heading to his room.

Leaving me, frozen in shock, standing in the middle of the living room with no source of light apart from the lights of New York city.

After a few minutes, I touched my cheek, where Nikos kissed me, smiled to myself and headed off to bed.


I updated!

I really updated!

Just so all of you know, my birthday was Monday :)

Just letting ya' know ;)


Aina, out.

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