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[TW: Gore]

She swam around, seaweed entangling her legs she hadn't known was there. She groaned. How annoying. "They should really just cut the seaweed down around here.." She complained. "Just because you can't see?" He responded. "There are other people who have the same issue!" She snapped, waking him with her tail. he laughed. "I really need some better friends.." She mumbled. "After your last one ran away?" He chuckled. she froze, her hand clenching into fists. "You know nothing about you're talking about!" She snapped, pushing him. "She didn't run away! something bad happened to her!" She swam away quickly, ignoring him calling her name.

"I can see why she ran away if that's how her best friend acted.." Gelatin mumbled to himself, though he distracted himself from the previous fight, noticing a crab scurrying around.


She shook her glowing tail as she repeatedly stabbed the small fish in front of her. He was so ignorant! They should have never been friends.


She didn't run away, right? She Had everything she could want! The best friend in the world! She would have at least told her before running off.

She shook her head. She must have gotten lost. Or injured. Something bad happened to her, that's why no one had seen her in a while. That had to be it.

"Are you okay? You've been picking at that fish for a while.." The person next to her said. She nodded. "I'm fine. just thinking about something!" She replied, shoving the fish in her mouth as if to prove she was okay. They laughed a bit. 

"I don't believe we met." They remarked, kicking a broken piece of coral. She shook her head. "Don't think so." Maybe she could make a new friend! to replace her!

Was that right? were you supposed to replace friends? is that what she had been trying to do before? She's sure it's normal!

A new friend! Even better than the last ones! one who wouldn't disappear! She managed to make one!


Please don't leave her.

Please don't leave.


Pin sat on the beach, her legs digging into the sand. She hadn't talked to her other friend yet today. 

Other friend was a weird thing to call her, but pin didn't know her name. What was she supposed to call her? The person in the tree?

Light flashed under water, two lights, actually. One more yellow and one more orange.

Pin leaned over the water.

Leafy chased coiny, who had decided it would be funny to steal a very pretty rock she had found. she tackled coiny, snatching the rock from his hands. "idiot.." She mumbled to herself.

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