His Instagram

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She was a bit early for the postings, so she decided to go and wait in the common room for students.

Even the wards didn't open before 8:30 AM.

She took out her phone and started to scroll her Instagram feed.

Then, she suddenly remembered that maybe, just maybe, her crush was also there on Instagram. And it could be a wonderful opportunity to investigate and find out more about him.

Especially about his dating life. Whether he was engaged or not.

She had logged into her secret private account that she used to stalk people. She was off social media for months now and had closed all her main accounts.

She typed in his name in the search box and waited for a few seconds for the results to load.

His name was quite common and there were many handles with the same name. But one particular profile held her attention. She tapped onto the profile for a closer look.

What a handsome man! Just look at his face.

Even amidst the common usernames, she knew exactly which one was his account. Her intuition was so on point. His name may be common, but that face was the rarest of them all and she would always remember him.

She kept staring at his profile picture, tapping on it to enlarge it and have a closer look.

Hopeful Doctor

His bio read. She was elated to see that he was also an optimist like her. She hated pessimistic people who engaged in self pity and self sabotage.

How I wish this private account would turn into my following one. God, please help. I so badly want to know more about him.

She noticed that his username had his birth date. She then calculated his age.

Three years older to me, huh? Not bad. Cool enough.

She quickly scrolled to her Calendar app on her phone and saved a birthday reminder for him.

I know this is too crazy. Maybe we won't even interact again. But I want to make him feel special just once, because his sweet gesture is etched in my mind forever now.

She took out her academic roster and checked her postings schedule. She noticed that his birthday would be during her next Medicine Postings.

She got so happy and elated thinking about the opportunity of wishing him and surprising him.

This is definitely a sign. What are the chances that his birthday would be when I would be in Medicine again? Maybe if not this time, but definitely we will speak in the future some time.

She wondered what would she say is he asked her how she knew his birthday.

But she was a maestro at avoiding questions and would definitely cook up something from her book of excuses.

She closed her phone and went to the ward as it was 8:30 AM.

Time for him to enter the wards.

And secretly, she hoped that she would bump into him in some way.

⋅───⊱༺  ♡♡  ༻⊰───⋅

“Good morning sir!”

He was there right before her, and a few minutes earlier than her.

He was keeping his bag on the shelf and taking out his stethoscope.

She carefully placed her bag away from him, on the opposite bed.

He smiled so warmly and wished her back, stating her name. She was surprised that he remembered her name.

She was expecting him to not remember because it was such a complicated and unique name. But he remembered it and even pronounced it correctly.

And then, like a sweet gentleman, he asked her, “How are you?”

She got all fidgety and started to sweat in nervousness. He had moved and was standing right next to her now.

She looked down to avoid eye contact. She could not look into his eyes and let him know all her secrets, especially her secret desires.

Why do I always have this weird feeling and a visual flash of kissing him intensely? I have this strange feeling that he is an equally or even more passionate and intense person than me.

For years, she was waiting and hoping to meet someone who was as romantic, intense and passionate like her. But her emotional side always made guys run away from her and hide in a corner where they wouldn't feel vulnerable infront of her.

But to her, love meant being vulnerable because you trust the person to keep you safe and make you feel comfortable.

And she had this surety that this man was a en epitome of love. He was someone who loved to care for others, and thrived well in relationships. He was going to be someone who would always love the woman more. She just knew this for sure.

She started to fidget with the visiting card placed on the shelf. “ I am fine, thank you, sir. How are you?” She managed to keep calm and pretend she was fine.

He smiled and said, “I'm good.”

He then quickly walked out of the room, leaving her in longing again.

⋅───⊱༺  ♡♡  ༻⊰───⋅

“I don't know, but he asked me my name today.”

She explained the day's events to her friend.

“And it made me feel so special. I am simply happy by this fact itself. It's more than enough that he atleast noticed me and remembered my name. That's all I wanted. Now I can die happily.”

She clapped her hands together in excitement.

“But, I think,” her friend said sheepishly, “that you should go and fall on him. This way he will catch you in his arms and you'll always have his attention.” He giggled.

“Oh, please, you've the worst and the cringiest ideas ever. Shut up!” She rolled her eyes.

But the possibility of even touching him, holding his hand or being in his arms, sent shivers down her spine.

Man. I would die out of glee if that happens. My heart will burst with all those palpitations.

“Did you find out his name?” Her friend asked.

“Yes ofcourse, I'm proud of my stalking skills. I am a pro level investigator. And I even found his Instagram handle. Shall I send him a request? I'm excited and nervous and scared too.”

I'm so screwed. Even thinking about him simply gives me tachycardia.

“No, don't do that. That would come up as very obvious. Wait for him to speak first and build a bond before you do that. Take your time and get to know him properly and don't make any mistakes this time.” He was worried about her sensitivity towards love and relationships, and also her past experiences had been traumatic. They weren't hidden from anyone in class because her previous relationship had been quite public and embarassing and openly advertised.

She felt ashamed of her choices in love. But she never stopped believing in love altogether. It was a very vast and diverse topic for her.

Love to her was very universal and kindness was it's best example. She believed that whatever love we pour out into the world, it always makes it's way back to us, either in the form of good work or a person who gives us the whole world.

That's the law of karma and attraction. We attract who we are.

We reap what we sow.

⋅───⊱༺  ♡♡  ༻⊰───⋅


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