Chapter 9

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Charlotte's p.o.v

"I don't really feel like going to this party" i state, causing Ava to groan. "You have too, please!" She begs, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Okay" I sigh, causing her to grin. Ava and I quickly get dressed. She wears a skirt with a cropped blouse. As I wear some black jeans with a cropped of the shoulders blue top.

We then go downstairs, going into the living room. The boys on the couch on their phones. My gaze fell upon Ryan. I don't understand how he can act so normal around Nate. I inhale going over to kitchen to get water. Opening the fridge to see none. "Ava is there anymore water?" I question, making her put a thinking face on.

"It's some in the freezer in the garage" she states, immersed in her phone. "K" i reply, walking towards the garage. I turn on light, so not to trip over something. I then hear footsteps behind me, causing me to turn around. "Ryan, what do you want?" I question, keeping my voice low. "You still wanna tell him?" He questions, making me fold my lips. "Yes, I do" i state, he scoffed.

"What's the point. It's not like your continuously cheating" he tells me, an irritated  expression on his face. "Yes, I know. But-" I began. "It happened once" he interjected, causing me to inhale. He then leaned over to my ear. "And as much as I want it happen to again. It won't" he whispers, his breath tickling my skin, sending a tingle though my body. I gulped at his words.

"Babe, you need help?" Nate asks, startling me, Ryan quickly brushed past me. "Ryan?" Nate says, confused. "Just making sure she found the water" he claims, walking past Nate. Nate's eyes followed him, until he stood in front of me. "What we're guys talking about?" He questions, as I fake smiled. "Nothing" I claim, as he looked at me skeptical.

"Uhm, can I ask you a question?" He asks, causing me to gulp. "Yeah, of course" I tell him, half heartedly. "Ryan's never..... tried anything with you. Has he?" he questions, causing me to freeze. This is my chance, I can tell him.

"What, no" I tell him, as his face stayed skeptical. I don't know why I lied. That was my opportunity to tell the truth. But I didn't. "Why- why would you ask that?" I ask, trying to even out my breathing. "I don't know, he seems...... annoyed when I kiss, or even touch you" he states, causing me hum. "Really? I'm sure he has a different reason" I claim, as Nate just nodded. "Sure" he mumbles, as I fiddled with my fingers. "We're ready to go!" Ava screamed though the door............

We all rode in one car. We've been at this party for awhile. I've opted not to drink. Last time drank, I cheated on my boyfriend. So I won't be doing that tonight. Ryan surprisingly isn't drinking either. Neither is Nate. Ava's getting drunk all by her lonesome, which she is already extremely drunk. "I love this song!" Ava exclaimed, pulling me to the middle of the floor. I laughed as we both danced.

I felt arms wrap around my waist, causing me to smile. I turned around to see Nate smiling as well. I threw my arms around his neck, as we continued to dance. "Spin the bottle!" Someone screams, as everyone began sitting in a circle. "Ooh" Ava shrieked, running over there aswell. "Everyone has to play" Bridget claimed, grinning at me.

"I have a boyfriend" i state, annoyed. "It's fine babe. It just a kiss" Nate claims, causing me look at him shocked. "Fine" I mumble, going to sit next to Ava. Who a was extremely intoxicated. Ryan went and sat by Bridget and Laney. As Nate sat by me.

A little while later, and bunch of people went including Ava. It was Nate's turn and as the bottle spun, I had hoped that it would land on me. But alas, it didn't. Bridget squealed, getting up, as she grinned at me. Nate began to get up, I stoped him by grabbing his shirt.

"I don't want you to kiss her" I tell him, whispering. "Everyone else already went. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't" he states, getting up anyway. She wraps her arms around his neck, crashing her lips onto his. He kissed her innocently but she kissed him lustfully.

I scoffed watching Nate kiss Bridget. As Ava squeezed my hand. I was angry that he insisted on following the rules of the game. But how could I be mad, I cheated on him, but as hypocritical as this is, I am mad. After what felt like forever. He pulled back, sitting back down. I tried to fix the irritation on my face but he noticed. "Sorry babe" he tells me, genuinely. "Yeah, whatever " I mumble.

It became turn and the bottle stoped on Ryan. Ryan laughed, knowing I wouldn't do it. All could think about was Bridget and Nate. I impulsively got up and walked over to Ryan. I got on his lap, putting my hands on his face, straddling him.

"You know you're gonna regret this" he says, looking at me. "Yes, I know, but I don't care" I claim, crashing my lips onto his. I felt something explode inside of me. I know I've kissed him before. But kissing him sober, was different. His lips gentle but aggressive as they pushed against mine. His hands resting on my waist, stroking against my bare skin. Pouring so much passion into our kiss.

I subconsciously parted my lips allowing his tongue to slip in. We kissed aggressively as our tongues became re aquatinted. Our kiss is broken by Nate pulling me off of him. Then grabbing my hand leading me to the bathroom. "What the fuck!?" He questions, sounding pissed, looking at me in my eyes. "It was the game..... you did it too" i point out, breathing heavily

"Yes, but I didn't kiss her like you did him!" He states, angry, causing me inhale. "I kissed him no differently than I kiss you" I claim, my voice low, as I fiddled with my fingers, knowing that's not true. "No, you didn't" he tells me, I responded with silence. I knew i didn't kiss him the same way I kiss Nate. Kissing Ryan felt........ so different. I'm unsure if was a good or bad different. But it was........ intoxicating!

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed him like that" I tell him, apologetically. He sighs, pulling me into an embrace. "I'm sorry too, okay" he apologizes, pecking my red cheek. "I'm uhm, ready to go. So I'll wait for you in the car" he tells me, leaving, as I nodded. I sigh, turning around to look at myself.

My face, red and flushed as my lips were slightly swole. Was I really kissing him that hard? I thought as the bathroom door opened. "Nate, i thought you were-" I began as I turned around see it was not Nate.

"Ryan, why are you in here?" I question, causing him side smile, as I fiddled with my fingers. "You think you can kiss me like that and i wouldn't want more" he states, I inhale even though I wasn't surprised he said that. He quickly closed the gap in between our bodies and lifted me, sitting me on the counter. He smashed his lips onto mine, causing me to gasp.

But I didn't pull away, or stop him. I let him kiss me as if I were his. Knowing I have a boyfriend, knowing I shouldn't be doing this. That intoxicating feeling running though my body again. I placed my hands on the back of his neck, pulling him closer. His warm hand on my thigh, spacing them apart so he could stand in between them. As his other hand was on my chin, tilting my head up

We kissed eagerly and passionately. Wanting nothing but one another. Our lips pushing together, aggressively. We pulled apart, gasping for air, our noses touching, our lips still brushing each others. "No more" I claim, breathing heavily. "Sure" he scoffs, his gaze on my lips. "That was the last time we ever kiss" I claim, once more. He slightly laughed. "We'll see" he smirks. I gulped, knowing I lied........

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